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XU Wanqi,WANG Yibo,SUN Zhirong.Antitumor Research Status Analysis of Dendrobium[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(1):130-134.
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许婉琦, 王奕博, 孙志蓉
北京中医药大学, 北京 100102
目的 采用文献计量学方法探讨石斛属植物抗肿瘤研究中存在的问题与解决方案。方法 采用文献计量学方法,从多角度对中国知网的中国学术期刊网络出版总库上1994年至今发表的177篇石斛属抗肿瘤研究论文进行客观而系统的定量分析。结果 石斛属植物抗肿瘤的热度正在提升,但实验类研究论文较少。研究涉及到的石斛属植物有11种,肿瘤细胞有14种,但均缺乏系统而深入的研究。目前研究存在低水平、多重复的现象。结论 石斛属植物抗肿瘤的研究深度及广度有待提高。
关键词:  石斛属  抗肿瘤  物质基础  作用机制
Antitumor Research Status Analysis of Dendrobium
XU Wanqi, WANG Yibo, SUN Zhirong
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China
OBJECTIVE To discusse the existing problem and its solution method in Dendrobium antitumor research by using bibliormetic method. METHODS Used the bibliometric method through the research, namely, analysised the 177 articles about Dendrobium antitumor which published by Chinese Academic Journals in CNKI objectively and systematically, also due to the multiple perspectives. RESULTS More and more researchers focused on Dendrobium antitumor; but experimental research of Dendrobium antitumor was less; research related to the Dendrobium of 11 species, 14 kinds of tumor cells, but all lack of systematic and thorough research; the deficiency of experimental papers and systematic researching resulted in most paper had a repeating phenomenon and kept researching stuck in a low-level. CONCLUSION The issues of Dendrobium antitumor researching should be addressed based on it's depth and range.
Key words:  Dendrobium  antitumor  material basis  mechanism