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WANG Weiying,MAO Juhua,YU Le,CHEN Zhangjin,YU Huali.Quality Evaluation of Decoction Pieces of Gardeniae Fructus in Market[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(5):681-685.
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王伟影, 毛菊华, 余乐, 陈张金, 余华丽
丽水市食品药品与质量技术检验检测院, 浙江 丽水 323000
目的 考察市售栀子饮片的质量。方法 收集50批不同厂家生产的栀子,应用RP-HPLC波长切换法同时测定栀子苷、西红花苷Ⅰ与西红花苷Ⅱ的含量;依据中国药典2015年版一部品种项下规定的方法测定水分、总灰分;采用原子吸收分光光度法测定其中18批样品中镉元素的含量。结果 50批栀子中总灰分和栀子苷均符合标准规定;水分有2批不符合标准规定;西红花苷Ⅰ的含量为0.31%~1.35%、西红花苷Ⅱ的含量为0.04%~0.63%;18批栀子中镉元素有3批超出千万分之三的限度。结论 大部分栀子饮片符合中国药典标准,质量情况较为乐观。栀子成分复杂多样,仅以其中环烯醚萜类的栀子苷作为质控指标稍欠全面,无法很好地反应出该品种的质量优劣,建议修订完善标准。
关键词:  栀子  栀子苷  西红花苷Ⅰ  西红花苷Ⅱ  波长切换
Quality Evaluation of Decoction Pieces of Gardeniae Fructus in Market
WANG Weiying, MAO Juhua, YU Le, CHEN Zhangjin, YU Huali
Lishui Inspection Institute for Food and Drug & Quality and Technology Control, Lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the quality of decoction pieces of Gardeniae Fructus in market. METHODS Collected 50 batches of decoction pieces of Gardeniae Fructus from different manufacturers, developed an HPLC wavelength switching method to determine the content of geniposide, crocin I and crocin II; according to the method of Chinese Pharmacopoeia to determine the water content, total ash; detected the content of cadmium of 18 batches of Gardeniae Fructus by atomic absorption spectrometry. RESULTS The total ash and the content of geniposide of the 50 batches of Gardeniae Fructus were met the standard, but the water content of 2 batches did not meet the standard; the content of crocin I, crocin II were 0.31%-1.35%, 0.04%-0.63%, respectively; 3 batches content of cadmium in 18 batches were exceeding the limitation of 0.3 ppm. CONCLUSION Most of the decoction pieces of Gardeniae Fructus in market are consistent with Chinese Pharmacopoeia standard, the quality situation is optimistic. As the components of Gradenia Fructus are complicated and diversiform, take only the content of geniposide as quality control index is insufficient, which can not reflect the good and bad of this drug, it is advised to revise and improve the standard.
Key words:  Gardeniae Fructus  geniposide  crocin I  crocin II  wavelength switching