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LIU Bingbing,WANG Zhenyue,CHENG Jianrui,YAO Chong,XU Yanru.Protective effects and mechanisms of Rumex gmelini Turcz. different solvent fractions against acute myocardial ischemia injury induced by isoproterenol in mice[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(3):341-346.
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刘兵兵1, 王振月2, 程建蕊3, 姚冲4, 许艳茹5
1.长兴县中医院, 浙江 长兴 313100;2.黑龙江中医药大学, 哈尔滨 150040;3.鲁南制药集团山东新时代药业有限公司, 山东 临沂 276000;4.湖州市中心医院, 浙江 湖州 313000;5.吉林修正药业新药开发有限公司, 长春 130012
目的 研究毛脉酸模提取物抗心肌缺血的活性。方法 对毛脉酸模80%乙醇提取物进行了系统溶剂萃取,得到乙酸乙酯部位、正丁醇部位和水部位萃取物。采用皮下注射异丙肾上腺素建立的小鼠急性心肌缺血模型,观察毛脉酸模萃取物对心肌缺血模型小鼠血清中肌酸激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、天门冬氨基转移酶(AST)的活性以及心肌组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性和丙二醛(MDA)的含量影响,并测定心肌含水量和心肌指数,监测造模前后心电图变化,通过HE染色观察小鼠心肌缺血损伤程度。结果 毛脉酸模萃取部位中乙酸乙酯萃取物和水萃取物可明显延长小鼠常压缺氧存活时间;降低模型鼠血清中CK、LDH、AST的活性,同时使心肌SOD活性升高,MDA活力降低;抑制心肌的水肿,保护心肌;能改善缺血心电图,快速恢复正常心率。结论 毛脉酸模乙酸乙酯、水萃取物对心肌缺血性损伤有显著的保护作用,确定其为毛脉酸模抗心肌缺血有效部位,其保护机制可能与降低耗氧、清除自由基、抗脂质氧化、减轻心肌细胞的损害等有关。
关键词:  毛脉酸模  急性心肌缺血  异丙肾上腺素  保护作用
Protective effects and mechanisms of Rumex gmelini Turcz. different solvent fractions against acute myocardial ischemia injury induced by isoproterenol in mice
LIU Bingbing1, WANG Zhenyue2, CHENG Jianrui3, YAO Chong4, XU Yanru5
1.TCM Hospital of Changxin, Changxin 313100, China;2.Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Haerbin 150040, China;3.Southern shandong pharmaceutical group shandong new time pharmaceutical co., Ltd., Linyi 276000, China;4.Huzhou Central Hospital, Huzhou 313000, China;5.Jilin Xiuzheng Pharmaceutical Group New Drug Development Co., Ltd., Changchun 130012, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the protective effect of Rumex gmelini Turcz. different solvent fractions on acute myocardial ischemia injury induced by isoproterenol in mice and its possible mechanism. METHODS A systematic solvent extraction of 80% ethanol extract Rumex gmelini Turcz. by ethyl acetate part, n-butanol and water extract. Myocardial ischemia model was made by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol, the content of creatine kinase(CK), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST) in serum and activity of the super oxide dismutase(SOD) and content of malondialdehyde(MDA) in myocardial tissue homogenate were detected, the extent of myocardial damage was evaluated with ST segment in lend Ⅱ on ECG, myocardial water content(MWC) and myocardial index(MI). The degree of myocardial ischemic injury in mice was observed by HE staining. RESULTS The ethyl acetate extract and water extract of Rumex gmelini Turcz. could significantly prolong the survival time of mice atmospheric oxygen. The raise resistance to the ability of acute hypoxia, the content of serum CK, LDH and AST were decreased significantly in ethyl acetate extract and water extract with those in the model group, the activities of SOD was increased, the content of MDA was lowered in myocardial tissue homogenate. CONCLUSION The ethyl acetate extract and water extract of Rumex gmelini Turcz. play a protective role in myocardial ischemia in mice, the protective effect mechanism may be related to its inhibition of the oxygen free radical and enhance oxidation resistance.
Key words:  Rumex gmelini Turcz.  acute myocardial ischemia  isoproterenol  protective effect