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ZHANG Jiani,DAI Bing,LI Yuxing,YANG Menglin,XIAO Zizeng,SHI Jilian.Research Progress in Processing of Corni Fructus with Wine[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(12):1604-1608.
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张嘉妮1, 戴冰2, 李玉星1, 杨梦琳1, 肖子曾1, 石继连1
1.湖南中医药大学, 长沙 410208;2.湖南中医药大学第一附属医院, 长沙 410007
目的 探讨酒制山茱萸的炮制历史沿革、酒制工艺及其药理作用的研究进展。方法 通过查阅和整理酒制山茱萸的相关历史资料,归纳总结酒制山茱萸的炮制历史沿革、炮制规范收载情况、临床功效及复方应用;并对酒制山茱萸的化学成分、质量控制以及药理学等方面的内容进行概括。结果 山茱萸酒制早在隋唐时期就有记载,且在全国许多省市的中药饮片炮制规范中也有收载,但目前尚无酒制山茱萸的质量控制标准,且对其药理作用的研究还不够全面。结论 有必要对酒制山茱萸进行系统的现代化学和药理学研究,为揭示其炮制原理和科学内涵提供一定的理论依据。
关键词:  酒制山茱萸  炮制工艺  化学成分  药理作用
Research Progress in Processing of Corni Fructus with Wine
ZHANG Jiani1, DAI Bing2, LI Yuxing1, YANG Menglin1, XIAO Zizeng1, SHI Jilian1
1.Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China;2.The First Affiliated Hospital to Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410007, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the research situation of the evolution of the processing history, processing technology and pharmacological action of the Corni Fructus with wine. METHODS Consult and categorize the relevant research of processing historical materials of the Corni Fructus with wine and to sum up the evolution of the processing history, the records of the processing procedures, clinical efficacy and compound application of it, the variations of the chemical constituents, quality control and the pharmacological actions after being processed Corni Fructus s with wine were be summarized. RESULTS The processing method of Corni Fructus with wine was described in the Sui and Tang dynasty, and has been recorded in many provinces. But it had not been well completed studied on the quality control standards and pharmacological activities. CONCLUSION It is necessary to research on the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of wine Corni Fructus deeply and it could provide a theoretical basis for revealing processing principle and scientific connotation.
Key words:  Corni Fructus with wine  processing technology  chemical composition  pharmacological action