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Peng jie,Wang jia,Wang Yiru,Ge Weihong.Study of Enhancement of the Satisfaction to Inpatient Dispensary Applying the Concept of Lean Six Sigma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(3):465-468.
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彭婕, 王甲, 王一茹, 葛卫红
南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院药学部, 南京 210008
目的 提高住院药房工作质量,提高医务工作者对住院药房的满意度。方法 应用精益6σ管理原理,确定了服务流程、服务环境、差错管理、服务态度4个改善项目,对住院药房的工作质量进行管理。结果 应用精益6σ管理原理对药房做质量管理后,流程顺畅、发药速度加快,服务环境整洁,差错减少,病区感受到的药房服务态度明显好转,病区对住院药房的满意度显著提升。结论 精益6σ管理提升了住院药房的工作质量,病区对住院药房的满意度显著提升。
关键词:  精益6σ  住院药房  满意度
Study of Enhancement of the Satisfaction to Inpatient Dispensary Applying the Concept of Lean Six Sigma
Peng jie, Wang jia, Wang Yiru, Ge Weihong
Department of Pharmacy, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, China
OBJECTIVE To improve the work quality and enhance the satisfaction to the inpatient dispensary department. METHODS Applying Lean Six Sigma management principle, four projects were optimized, that was the service process, service environment, error management and service attitude, to improve the work quality of inpatient dispensary department. RESULTS When measures were implemented, the work flow was optimized, speed of dispensary was accelerated, the environment kept cleaning, errors were reduced, the attitude of staffs to serve the ward was significantly improved. The satisfaction of the wards to the inpatient dispensary department was significantly promoted. CONCLUSION Applying Lean Six Sigma management principle, the work quality of the inpatient dispensary department is enhanced, and the ward's satisfaction to the inpatient pharmacy is significantly improved.
Key words:  the concept of Lean Six Sigma  inpatient dispensary  satisfaction