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ZHANG Beibei,DIAO Tingting,DAI Mingzhu,LYU Guiyuan,CHEN Suhong.Beauty Pharmacology of Activating Blood Circulation Herbs and Its Application in Modern Cosmetics as Plant Extracts[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(9):1221-1226.
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张蓓蓓1, 刁婷婷2, 戴明珠2, 吕圭源3, 陈素红2,4
1.国家中药品种保护审评委员会,北京 100070;2.温州医科大学,浙江 温州 325035;3.浙江中医药大学,杭州 310053;4.浙江工业大学,杭州 310014
目的 分析活血类药用植物提取物的美容药理作用及其在现代化妆品中的应用现状,为植物提取物在化妆品行业的使用提供科学依据。方法 通过查阅中国知网和国家食品药品监督管理总局网站数据库,进行归纳、分析。结果 活血类药用植物提取物是含植物提取物原料化妆品的重要组成部分,其作用机制是以“活血化瘀”的方式增加肌肤的新陈代谢,使沉淀的黑色素和老化的角质排出体外,养颜驻容。这些植物提取物常以单一或复配形式添加到各类化妆品,应用广泛,产品多样。但这些植物提取物的配方含量、植物基源及药用部位与传统中药还是有些差距。结论 活血类中药提取物在现代化妆品应用中占据越来越重要的地位,值得深入研究和规范。
关键词:  中药  活血  植物提取物  化妆品  应用
Beauty Pharmacology of Activating Blood Circulation Herbs and Its Application in Modern Cosmetics as Plant Extracts
ZHANG Beibei1, DIAO Tingting2, DAI Mingzhu2, LYU Guiyuan3, CHEN Suhong2,4
1.National Committee on the Assessment of the Protected Traditional Chinese Medicinal Products, Beijing 100070, China;2.Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325035, China;3.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China;4.Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacological effects and application status of plant extracts in modern cosmetics in order to provide a scientific basis. METHODS The rules were induced and analyzized by searching in the database such as China National Knowledge Infrastructure and China State Food and Drug Administration. RESULTS Activating blood circulation herbs extract was an important part of the raw materials for cosmetics containing plant extracts. By the form of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, its action mechanism was to increase the metabolism of skin, make the precipitation of melanin and aging cutin eduction body outside. These plant extracts were now widely used in diverse products by adding to the cosmetic in the form of a single or compound, yet they were different from the traditional Chinese medicine in some ways such as the content of formula, plant-based sources and plant medicinal part. CONCLUSION Activating blood circulation herbs extract plays an more and more important role in modern cosmetic applications, which is worthy of further research and development.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine  activating blood circulation  plant extracts  cosmetic  application