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ZHONG Ming,ZHANG Baojing,WANG Chao,YU Shengmin,ZONG Yang,MA Xiaochi,ZHANG Houli.Effect of Phyllodium Pulchellum Alkaloid on the Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix in Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Stimulated by Acetaldehyde[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(1):4-7.
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钟鸣1, 张宝璟2, 王超2, 余胜民1, 宗杨2, 马骁驰2, 张厚利2
1.广西中医药研究院, 南宁 530001;2.大连医科大学药学院, 大连 116044
目的 研究排钱草生物碱对乙醛刺激的人源肝星状细胞(LX-2)的增殖抑制作用及其对细胞外基质生成的影响。方法 采用MTT法检测排钱草生物碱对乙醛刺激下人源肝星状细胞的增殖的作用;LDH比色法检测排钱草生物碱对LX-2的细胞毒性;运用Real-time PCR技术检测细胞中α-SMA、Co1-Ⅰ、MMP-2及TIMP-1 mRNA的表达情况。结果 排钱草生物碱对乙醛刺激下的肝星状细胞的增殖具有明显抑制作用,呈剂量依赖性。排钱草生物碱各剂量组培养上清液中LDH活力差异无显著性。LX-2细胞中的α-SMA、Co1-Ⅰ、及TIMP-1 mRNA随药物浓度增加,其表达下降,MMP-2 mRNA表达上升。结论 排钱草生物碱可能通过抑制LX-2细胞的增殖和减少细胞外基质的合成,从而发挥抗肝纤维化作用。
关键词:  排钱草  乙醛  人源肝星状细胞  细胞增殖  细胞外基质
Effect of Phyllodium Pulchellum Alkaloid on the Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix in Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Stimulated by Acetaldehyde
ZHONG Ming1, ZHANG Baojing2, WANG Chao2, YU Shengmin1, ZONG Yang2, MA Xiaochi2, ZHANG Houli2
1.Guangxi Institute of Chinese Medicine & Pharmaceutical Science, Nanning 530001, China;2.College of Pharmacy, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of Phyllodium puchellum alkaloid on the proliferation and extracellular matrix in human hepatic stellate cell (HSC-LX2) stimulated by acetaldehyde. METHODS MTT assay was used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the drugs on HSC-LX2. The content of LDH was determined by using colorimetric method, Real-time PCR was applied to measure the expression of α-SMA, Co1-Ⅰ, MMP-2 and TIMP-1 mRNA. RESULTS P. pulchellum alkaloid could inhibit proliferation of HSC-LX2 cells in concentration manners. The activity of LDH in supernatant had no statistical significance compared with control group. From the results of Real-time PCR, the expression of α-SMA, CoL-I and TIMP-1 mRNA in drug groups were notably lower than those in model group stimulated by acetaldehyde, while the MMP-2 mRNA was increased. CONCLUSION The P. pulchellum alkaloid can inhibit the expression of α-SMA, Col-I and TIMP-1 mRNA in HSC-T6, reduce the synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix in liver, so as to interfere with course of the liver fibrosis.
Key words:  Phyllodium puchellum  acetaldehyde  hepatic stellate cells  proliferation inhibition  extracellular matrix