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LEI Qunfang,ZENG Rong,XU Min,MIN Xiaoli,LIN Xiaorong.Multi-component Scores Optimization of the Sesame Oil Microemulsion Extraction Technology of Arnebiae Radix[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(12):1516-1520.
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雷群芳1,2, 曾嵘1,2, 许敏1,2, 闵肖丽3, 林小茸3
1.中南大学湘雅医院, 长沙 410008;2.中南大学医院药学研究所, 长沙 410008;3.中南大学药学院, 长沙 410013
目的 探求麻油微乳提取紫草的最佳工艺。方法 采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定麻油微乳提取紫草中羟基萘醌总色素的含量,HPLC测定其左旋紫草素的含量,考察其萘醌类色素成分含量变化;随后进行单因素试验考察麻油不同含量的微乳、提取时间、料液比等因素对提取的影响,再用正交试验优化其提取工艺,并进行验证。结果 麻油微乳提取紫草的优化工艺条件:微乳组成比例是麻油:水:聚山梨酯80:丙三醇=1.7:68.0:10.2:5.1;料液比25(15+10)倍;超声提取2次,提取时间分别为70 min和40 min;紫草羟基萘醌总色素和左旋紫草素提取率分别为74.77%,93.17%。结论 麻油微乳可用于紫草有效成分的提取。
关键词:  正交试验  微乳  紫草  提取  左旋紫草素
Multi-component Scores Optimization of the Sesame Oil Microemulsion Extraction Technology of Arnebiae Radix
LEI Qunfang1,2, ZENG Rong1,2, XU Min1,2, MIN Xiaoli3, LIN Xiaorong3
1.Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China;2.Institute of Hospital Pharmacy, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China;3.College of Pharmacy, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize the optimum ultrasonic extraction technology of Arnebiae Radix by using sesame oil microemulsion. METHODS UV-Vis method was used to determine the content of naphthoquinones and HPLC was adopted to determine the content of shikonin. So that the contents of active ingredients from Arnebiae Radix by using sesame oil microemulsion could be investigated. Single-factor test was carried out to the effect of different volume, the extraction time and material liquid ratio on the extraction of sesame oil. Then optimum aqueous extraction technology of Arnebiae Radix was optimized by orthogonal design on the basis of single-factor test, then, verification. RESULTS The optimum extraction process was as follows:microemulsion consisting of sesame oil:water:polysorbate-80:glycerol=1.7:68.0:10.2:5.1; solid-liquid ratio was 25(15+10) times; ultrasonic extraction twice, the first extraction time was 70 min, the second time was 40 min. The extraction rate of Naphthoquinones and Shikonin were 74.77% and 93.17%. CONCLUSION Sesame oil microemulsion can be used to extract active ingredients of Arnebiae Radix.
Key words:  orthogonal test  microemulsion  Arnebiae Radix  extraction  L-shikonin