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SANG Jing,ZHANG Jinsong,XU Lingyan,ZHANG Wenting,KUANG Rong,LI Yang.Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Different Shampoos Using Draize Assay and Human Cornea-like Epithelial Tissue Model[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(5):662-665.
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桑晶, 张劲松, 徐玲燕, 张文婷, 匡荣, 李杨
浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 杭州 310004
目的 采用三维人重组角膜模型BioOcularTM和现行的兔眼刺激Daize法,对市面常见的不同配方洗发水的眼刺激性进行评价与比较。方法 体外眼刺激实验(OECD指导原则492)采用人重组眼角膜上皮模型和兔眼刺激法对8种不同品牌洗发水的眼刺激性进行评价研究。结果 采用皮肤模型的眼刺激法对8种洗发水有无刺激性的区分结果与兔眼刺激法基本一致。2种方法相关系数r绝对值达到0.955,具有很好的相关性。结论 与兔眼刺激法相比,人重组眼角膜上皮模型实验所需的周期短、试验步骤相对简便、检测结果相对更加客观,人源重组组织与人眼角膜上皮更为接近,是一种值得推荐的眼刺激替代检测方法。
关键词:  三维重组人角膜  眼刺激法  洗发水  替代方法
Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Different Shampoos Using Draize Assay and Human Cornea-like Epithelial Tissue Model
SANG Jing, ZHANG Jinsong, XU Lingyan, ZHANG Wenting, KUANG Rong, LI Yang
Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310004, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate eye irritation potential of different shampoos using Draize assay in vivo and eye irritation test with human cornea-like epithelial tissue model BioOcularTM in vitro respectively. METHODS In terms of OECD Guide Line 492, 8 kinds of different shampoos were tested both in Draize assay in vivo and eye irritation test with reconstructed human cornea-like epithelial tissue model BioOcularTM in vitro. RESULTS There was a good relativity of eye irritation potential for these two methods. And correlation coefficent score for these two methods was 0.955. CONCLUSION Compared with Draize assay in vivo human cornea-like epithelial tissue model BioOcularTM in vitro needs short period, simple steps, and the results are relatively objective. It is workable to use 3D human cornea-like epithelial tissue model BioOcularTM in vitro for eye irritation test partly instead of Draize assay.
Key words:  reconstructed human corneal epithelium  eye irritation  shampoos  alternative methods