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ZOU Ailing,SHI Xian,FU Manni,XIE Cuilin,SHI Nian.Clinical Efficacy and Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation of Indometacin Enteric-coated Tablets Combined with Danshentong Capsules in the Treatment of Facial Dermatitis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(5):748-751.
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邹爱玲, 石娴, 付曼妮, 解翠林, 石年
鄂东医疗集团黄石市中心医院(湖北理工学院附属医院), 湖北 黄石 435000
目的 观察吲哚美辛肠溶片联合丹参酮胶囊治疗面部皮炎的临床疗效和经济性。方法 将入选的118例面部皮炎患者随机分为试验组(60例)和对照组(58例),对照组给予口服枸地氯雷他定和外用维A酸软膏,试验组在对照组治疗方案基础上加用吲哚美辛肠溶片和丹参酮胶囊,疗程均为4周。结果 治疗结束后,试验组患者的皮损面积、EASI评分及瘙痒程度(3.16±1.76,2.39±1.13,0.65±0.27)均低于对照组(6.73±2.42,5.87±1.26,1.86±0.42),试验组临床总有效率和复发率分别为78.33%和6.38%,对照组分别为56.90%和24.24%,以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组均未发生严重不良反应。试验组和对照组的成本分别为1 873.10元和1 479.98元,成本-效果比(C/E)分别为23.91和26.01,相对于对照组,试验组的增量成本-效果比(ΔC/ΔE)为18.34。结论 吲哚美辛肠溶片联合丹参酮胶囊治疗面部皮炎疗效好,起效快,复发率低,且具有经济学优势,值得临床推广。
关键词:  吲哚美辛  丹参酮胶囊  面部皮炎  临床疗效  安全性
Clinical Efficacy and Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation of Indometacin Enteric-coated Tablets Combined with Danshentong Capsules in the Treatment of Facial Dermatitis
ZOU Ailing, SHI Xian, FU Manni, XIE Cuilin, SHI Nian
Huangshi Central Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Polytechnic University, Edong Health Care Group, Huangshi 435000, China
OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effect and pharmacoeconomics evaluation of indometacin enteric-coated tablets combined with danshentong capsules in the treatment of facial dermatitis. METHODS All of 118 patients were randomly divided into control group(58 cases) and test group(60 cases), control group were treated with oral administration of desloratadine citrate disodium tablets external application of tretinoin cream, and test group were treated with external oral administration of indometacin enteric-coated tablets combined with Danshentong capsules, 4 weeks of medication for both groups. RESULTS After the end of treatment, skin lesion area, EASI score and degree of itching in the test group (3.16±1.76,2.39±1.13,0.65±0.27) were lower than those in control group(6.73±2.42,5.87±1.26,1.86±0.42). The effective rate was 78.33% in test group and 56.90% in control group. The recurrence rate was 6.38% in test group, and 24.24% in control group. There was a significant difference between two groups(P<0.05). There were no serious adverse reactions found in two groups. Treatment costs respectively of test group and control group respectively were 1 873.10 yuan and 1 479.98 yuan, the C/E respectively were 23.91 and 26.01, relative to control group B, ΔC/ΔE of test group was 18.34. CONCLUSION Indometacin enteric-coated tablets combined with Danshentong capsules in the treatment of facial dermatitis have good curative effects, rapid onset and low recurrence rate, with the economic advantages worthy of clinical promotion.
Key words:  indomethacin  Danshentong capsules  facial dermatitis  clinical effect  safety