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SHU Zhuming,JIANG Jianping,WANG Jianping,LI Quanqing,WU Xuming.Purification of Total Flavonoids from Peels of Citrus Changshan-huyou Y.B.Chang by Macroporous Resin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(5):649-653.
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舒祝明1, 蒋剑平2, 王建平2, 李全清3, 伍旭明2
1.绍兴市妇幼保健院, 浙江 绍兴 312000;2.浙江省中医院, 杭州 310006;3.浙江萧山医院, 杭州 311202
目的 研究胡柚皮总黄酮的大孔树脂纯化工艺。方法 通过对8种不同型号大孔树脂进行静态吸附与解吸实验,优选合适的大孔树脂,并优化分离纯化条件。结果 HPD-300型大孔树脂对胡柚皮总黄酮有较好的吸附和洗脱效果,其最佳分离纯化条件如下:pH 4.0,3.83 mg·mL-1上样液,上样量为5 mL·g-1,上样体积流量为2.0 BV·h-1,依次用2 BV的水洗脱,4 BV 70%乙醇洗脱,洗脱剂的流速为2 BV·h-1。经HPD-300树脂处理后的总黄酮质量分数达76.21%,收率为93.94%。结论 HPD-300型大孔树脂用于富集胡柚皮总黄酮效果最佳,是一种理想的分离纯化介质。
关键词:  胡柚皮  总黄酮  大孔树脂  纯化工艺  吸附动力学特性
Purification of Total Flavonoids from Peels of Citrus Changshan-huyou Y.B.Chang by Macroporous Resin
SHU Zhuming1, JIANG Jianping2, WANG Jianping2, LI Quanqing3, WU Xuming2
1.Shaoxing Women and Children's Hospital, Shaoxing 312000, China;2.Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of TCM, Hangzhou 310006, China;3.Zhejiang Provincial Xiaoshan Hospital, Hangzhou 311202, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the purification technology of total flavonoids from the peels of Citrus Changshan-huyou Y.B. Chang by macroporous resin. METHODS Eight macroporous resins were chosen with static and dynamic adsorption and desorption experiments to optimize the purification parameters. RESULTS HPD-300 macroporous resin was found to have good adsorption and desorption effects. The optimal purification conditions were pH 4.0, sample mass concentration of 3.83 mg·mL-1, the loading amount of 5 mL·g-1, the loading flow rate of 2.0 BV·h-1. The sample was eluted by 2 BV of water and 4 BV of 70% ethanol respectively with the eluting flow rate of 2.0 BV·h-1. The content of total flavonoids increased to 76.21% after the purification, and the yield was 93.94%. CONCLUSION HPD-300 is an ideal resin with satisfactory enrichment for separating and purifying the total flavonoids from peels of Citrus Changshan-huyou Y.B. Chang.
Key words:  peels of Citrus Changshan-huyou Y.B. Chang  total flavonoids  macroporous resin  purification technology  adsorption kinetics characteristics