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YANG Mingfang,XU Wenwei,CHENG Xiaohua.Effect of Oleanolic Acid on the Pharmacokinetics of Fluvastatin in Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(6):811-814.
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杨茗钫1, 徐文炜2, 程晓华1
1.南昌大学第一附属医院, 南昌 330006;2.南昌大学临床药理研究所, 南昌 330006
目的 探讨齐墩果酸对氟伐他汀在大鼠体内的药动学影响。方法 将16只健康大鼠随机分为单药组(5.0 mg·kg-1氟伐他汀)和联合用药组(5.0 mg·kg-1氟伐他汀+60 mg·kg-1齐墩果酸),单药组和联合用药组分别灌胃空白溶剂和齐墩果酸5 d,每天1次,第6天2组均给予氟伐他汀灌胃。给药后不同时间点采血,LC-MS测定大鼠体内血药浓度,比较2组间主要的药动学参数。结果 与单药组比较,联合用药组氟伐他汀主要药动学参数Cmax、AUC0-t显著上升,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 联合应用齐墩果酸可能影响大鼠体内氟伐他汀的药动学特性。
关键词:  氟伐他汀  齐墩果酸  药动学  高效液相色谱质谱联用
Effect of Oleanolic Acid on the Pharmacokinetics of Fluvastatin in Rats
YANG Mingfang1, XU Wenwei2, CHENG Xiaohua1
1.The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China;2.Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of oleanolic acid(OA) on the metabolism of fluvastatin in rats. METHODS Sixteen health rats were randomly divided into two groups: the single group(fluvastatin 5.0 mg·kg-1) and the combined group(fluvastatin 5.0 mg·kg-1+OA 60 mg·kg-1). The single group were administrated with blank solution while the combined group were administrated with the same volume of OA, the administration period of 5 d. At the sixth day, both groups were administrated with fluvastatin, plasma concentrations of fluvastatin were determined by LC-MS. The main pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated and compared. RESULTS The main pharmacokinetic parameters(Cmax, AUC0-t) of the combined group showed increased remarkably compared with the single group. Statistically significant difference was showed between groups(P<0.05). CONCLUSION OA can affect the pharmacokinetic parameters of fluvastatin in rats.
Key words:  fluvastatin  oleanolic acid  pharmacokinetic  LC-MS