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LI Nannan,MENG Xiansheng,BAO Yongrui,WANG Shuai,LI Tianjiao.Simultaneous Quantitative Determination of Five Active Chemical Compositions in Oroxyli Semen by QAMS Based on Full-time Multi-wavelength Fusion Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(7):943-947.
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李楠楠1, 孟宪生1,2,3, 包永睿1,2,3, 王帅1,2,3, 李天骄1,2,3
1.辽宁中医药大学药学院, 辽宁 大连 116600;2.辽宁省组分中药工程技术研究中心, 辽宁 大连 116600;3.辽宁省现代中药研究工程实验室, 辽宁 大连 116600
目的 基于中药木蝴蝶总黄酮全时段多波长融合指纹图谱,建立一种使用一个对照品,同步计算中药木蝴蝶总黄酮中多个成分的定量分析方法。方法 采用UPLC,Eclipse Plus C18色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.8 μm),流动相为0.1%的甲酸水溶液(A)-乙腈(B),进行梯度洗脱(0~10 min,15%→57% B;10~15 min,57%→65% B),柱温为30℃,检测波长为256,280,300,320,350 nm,流速为0.4 mL·min-1结果 外标法与一测多评法测得的结果无显著性差异,系统适用性考察结果显示该方法具有良好的系统适用性。结论 建立了中药木蝴蝶“一测多评”的含量测定方法,该方法简单、科学、准确,可以减少对照品的使用量,节约实验成本,可以为中药木蝴蝶的质量控制提供依据。
关键词:  中药木蝴蝶  一测多评  相对校正因子  多成分含量测定
Simultaneous Quantitative Determination of Five Active Chemical Compositions in Oroxyli Semen by QAMS Based on Full-time Multi-wavelength Fusion Method
LI Nannan1, MENG Xiansheng1,2,3, BAO Yongrui1,2,3, WANG Shuai1,2,3, LI Tianjiao1,2,3
1.School of Pharmacy, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian 116600, China;2.Component Medicine Engineering Research Center of Liaoning Province, Dalian 116600, China;3.Liaoning Province Modern Chinese Medicine Research Engineerig Laboratory, Dalian 116600, China
OBJECTIVE To established a quantitative analysis of multi-components with a single marker (QAMS) method for simultaneous quantitative analysis of the five flavonoids in Oroxyli Semen based on full-time multi-wavelength fusion.METHODS With UPLC methods,Eclipse Plus C18 column (2.1 mm×100 mm,1.8 μm) was used,the mobile phase was 0.1% methanoic acid in water (A) and acetonitrile (B) with gradient elution (0-10 min,15%→57% B;10-15 min,57%→65% B).The detection wavelengths were 256,280,300,320 and 350 nm.The flow rate of the mobile phase was 0.4 mL·min-1 and the temperature was 30 ℃. RESULTS The ruggedness of relative correction factor was assayed and data obtained from the two methods (ESM and QAMS) were compared,and no statistically significant difference was observed,which indicated that the new approached was applicable in the quantitative analysis of Oroxyli Semen.CONCLUSION A new method is established for simultaneous quantitative determination of five bioactive flavonoids from traditional Chinese medicine Oroxyli Semen by combining full-time multi-wavelength fusion with QAMS,through applicability experiment.The method is simple,accurate and reliable,which is suitable for the quality evaluation of Oroxyli Semen.
Key words:  Oroxyli Semen  QAMS  relative correction factor  quantitative determination