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CHEN Min,WANG Xiaoqiu,XU Yanyan,ZHU Yanyan,TIAN Weiqiang.Effect of Atorvastatin and Coenzyme Q10 on hs-CRP, ET-1 and BNP Level in Chronic Heart Failure Patients[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(7):1042-1045.
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陈旻, 汪笑秋, 徐艳艳, 朱延焱, 田伟强
丽水市中心医院药学部, 浙江 丽水 323000
目的 探讨阿托伐他汀联合辅酶Q10对慢性心力衰竭患者血清超敏C反应蛋白(high sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)、内皮素-1(endothelin 1,ET-1)、脑钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)的影响。方法 自2013年1月— 2015年1月收治的100例慢性心力衰竭患者依照数字随机分组法分为2组:对照组50例采用酒石酸美托洛尔+氯沙坦+螺内酯+阿托伐他汀治疗,观察组50例在对照组治疗方法上加用辅酶Q10,比较2组患者治疗前后hs-CRP、ET-1、BNP指标水平及心功能变化。结果 观察组治疗有效率为94.0%,显著高于对照组(70.0%)(P<0.05);2组患者治疗后,hs-CRP、ET-1以及BNP水平较治疗前显著下降(P<0.05);且观察组hs-CRP、ET-1以及BNP水平明显低于对照组(P<0.05);2组患者治疗后,短轴缩短率以及LVEF较治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),左心室舒张末期直径较治疗前明显降低(P<0.05),且观察组短轴缩短率以及LVEF明显高于对照组,左心室舒张末期直径明显低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组二次住院率明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 阿托伐他汀联合辅酶Q10治疗慢性心力衰竭患者,能够明显降低患者体内hs-CRP、ET-1以及BNP水平,改善患者心功能,疗效确切。
关键词:  阿托伐他汀  辅酶Q10  慢性心力衰竭  血清超敏C反应蛋白  内皮素-1  脑钠肽
Effect of Atorvastatin and Coenzyme Q10 on hs-CRP, ET-1 and BNP Level in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
CHEN Min, WANG Xiaoqiu, XU Yanyan, ZHU Yanyan, TIAN Weiqiang
Department of Pharmacy, Lishui Central Hospital, Lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of atorvastatin and coenzyme Q10 on high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)、endothelin 1(ET-1) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels in treatment of chronic heart failure.METHODS One hundred patients with chronic heart failure collected from January 2013 to January 2015 were digital randomly divided into two groups:50 cases of control group were treated with metoprolol tartrate+losartan+spironolactone+atorvastatin conventional drug treatment,50 cases of observation group were administration with coenzyme Q10 on the basic therapy of the control group.The heart function and hs-CRP,ET-1 and BNP levels of the two groups were compared.RESULTS The effective rate of obserration group was 94.0%,significantly higher than control group (70.0%)(P<0.05);hs-CRP,ET-1 and BNP levels of two groups was significantly decreased after treatment (P<0.05),and these levels of the observation group were much lower than those in control group after treatment (P<0.05);Fractional shortening and LVEF of two groups patients after treatment were significantly superior to those before treatment (P<0.05),while the left ventricular end diastolic diameter of the two groups were significant lower than those before treatment,the difference was significant (P<0.05);Fractional shortening and LVEF of the observation group were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05),while the left ventricular end diastolic diameter of the observation group were significant lower than those in control group,the difference was significant (P<0.05).The two hospitalization rate of observation group was much lower than that of control group (P<0.05).CONCLUSION Atorvastatin and coenzyme Q10 therapy in chronic heart failure patients can improve cardiovascular function and decrease the levels of hs-CRP,ET-1 and BNP,which has a exact effect.
Key words:  atorvastatin  coenzyme Q10  chronic heart failure  C-reactive protein  endothelin 1  brain natriuretic peptide