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LI Yunsong,WAN Jun,LIN Wanlong,CHEN Yao.Pharmaceutical Practice of Clinical Pharmacists Consultation in 75 Infection Cases of Gynecology and Obstetrics[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(8):1188-1192.
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李云送, 万隽, 林万龙, 陈瑶
厦门市妇幼保健院药学部, 福建 厦门 361003
目的 总结临床药师参与妇产科会诊案例的实践与体会,归纳会诊思路,提高会诊技能和有效率。方法 回顾性分析2011-2016年某院临床药师参与妇产科会诊75个案例,对采纳情况,临床效果进行统计分析并进行循证思路整理。结果 会诊意见被完全采纳为63例,占84%;部分采纳为11例,占14.67%;未采纳为1例,占1.33%;会诊后治疗预后为好转、痊愈出院的为65例,占86.67%;疗效不明显或恶化的6例,占8%,自动出院4例,占5.33%。结论 有效的临床药师会诊,不仅需要药学专业技能,还需结合特殊个体、病理、生理状态等不断总结循证思维,拓宽临床思路,才能制定出符合孕产妇特殊人群的最佳治疗策略。
关键词:  临床药师  妇产科  会诊
Pharmaceutical Practice of Clinical Pharmacists Consultation in 75 Infection Cases of Gynecology and Obstetrics
LI Yunsong, WAN Jun, LIN Wanlong, CHEN Yao
Department of Pharmacy, Xiamen Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Xiamen 361003, China
OBJECTIVE To improve consultation skill and clinical efficiency by analyzing the practice and experience of clinical pharmacists participating in gynecology and obstetrics consultation. METHODS The 75 cases of clinical pharmacists consultations in gynecology and obstetrics from 2011 to 2016 were analyzed retrospectively. The acceptance level of consultative suggestions and clinical outcomes were analyzed and evaluated, and summarized on the basis of the evidence-base medicine principle. RESULTS From the 75 cases of consultation, 63 cases of consultation suggestion from clinical pharmacists were accepted completely (84%), and 11 cases accepted partially(14.67%), though 1 case refused(1.33%). Sixty five cases (86.67%) were improved or recovered completely, 6 cases (8%) had no improvement or even deteriorate, and 4 cases (5.33%) were discharged from hospital voluntarily. CONCLUSION Effective consultations from clinical pharmacists depended on the available professional skill of pharmacy, evidence-based medicine according to the unique patients and pathophysiological feature, as well as broader clinical thinking. Only in this way, it describes a optimum therapeutic strategy regard to this particular maternal patient.
Key words:  clinical pharmacist  gynecology and obstetrics  consultation