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FU Lu,LIU Yong.Biblio-metrological Analysis on the Literatures of Indications of Huangkui Capsule[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(6):916-919.
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付璐1, 刘永2
1.剑阁县中医院内科, 四川 广元 628300;2.剑阁县食品药品和工商质监局产品质量检验中心, 四川 广元 628300
目的 为黄葵胶囊在临床上的超说明书应用和说明书修改提供参考依据。方法 利用文献计量学方法分析黄葵胶囊的临床应用情况。以“黄葵胶囊”“黄蜀葵”“Huangkui capsule”“Abelmoschus manihot”为关键词,检索Pubmed、Ovid、Web of Science、CNKI数据库、维普数据库和万方数据库的文献。采用EndNote X7软件对检索到的文献进行去重、分类,利用Excel 2007软件对纳入文献的发表时间、适应证、联合用药进行分析。结果 共纳入文献444篇,其中临床研究432篇,综述11篇,病例报道1篇,其中英文文献有3篇。说明书记载黄葵胶囊的功能主治为:清利湿热,解毒消肿,用于慢性肾炎之湿热证。文献报道黄葵胶囊在临床上不仅被用于治疗慢性肾炎、糖尿病肾病、IgA肾病、高血压肾病、肾病综合征、紫癜性肾炎、肾移植术后蛋白尿、造影剂肾病、狼疮肾炎等肾脏疾病,还被用于治疗绝经后女性复发性尿路感染、原发性痛经和慢性盆腔炎等非肾脏疾病。结论 该研究为黄葵胶囊的说明书修改和二次开发提供了参考。
关键词:  黄葵胶囊  肾炎  适应证  文献计量分析
Biblio-metrological Analysis on the Literatures of Indications of Huangkui Capsule
FU Lu1, LIU Yong2
1.Internal Medicine Department, Jian'ge Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangyuan 628300, China;2.Quality Inspection Center for Product, Jian'ge Bureau of Food, Drug, Industry, Commerce, Quality and Technology Supervision, Guangyuan 628300, China
OBJECTIVE To provide references for application beyond dispensatory and dispensatory modification of Huangkui capsule. METHODS By use of literature metrology, an analysis on the clinical literatures of Huangkui capsule was made. With "Huangkui jiaonang" "Huangshukui" "Huangkui capsule" and "Abelmoschus manihot" as key words, the literatures were collected from Pubmed, Ovid, Web of Science, CNKI database, VIP database and Wangfang database. By use software EndNote X7 and Excel 2007, the collected literatures were classified and the duplicate ones were eliminated for analyzing the indications and drug combinations of Huangkui capsule. RESULTS A total of 444 literatures were accepted, including 432 clinical research literatures, 11 reviews, 1 case report, and there were 3 English literatures collected. The functions and indications recorded in the dispensatory of Huangkui capsule were eliminating dampness and heat, detoxification and detumescence and Huangkui capsule was also used to treat damp-heat syndrome of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It was reported in literatures that Huangkui capsule was not only used to treat kidney diseases, such as CKD, diabetic kidney disease, immunoglobulin A nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy, nephropathy syndrome, anaphylactic purpura nephritis, proteinuria after renal transplantation, contrast-induced nephropathy and lupus nephritis, but also used to treat non-kindey diseases, such as recurrent urinary tract infection of postmenopausal women, primary dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic inflammation and so on. CONCLUSION This research provides references for the dispensatory modification and secondary development of Huangkui capsule.
Key words:  Huangkui capsule  kidney disease  indications  biblio-metrological analysis