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YING Yin,SUN Yunfeng,LI Gonghua,ZHANG Meiling.Application of Pharmaceutical Service in the Hierarchical Medical System in the Mobile Internet Era[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(10):1477-1481.
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应茵, 孙云峰, 李功华, 张美玲
浙江省立同德医院药学部, 杭州 310012
目的 探讨浙江省稳步开展"三位一体"分级诊疗试点改革工作过程中,各级医疗机构药学服务的一系列变化和发展。方法 结合分级诊疗制度中药学服务的现状和需求,实施"双下沉、两提升"药学对口帮扶,依托浙江省转诊服务平台和互联网医院优势创新药学服务。结果 实现了双向转诊过程中药学服务的上下联动以及药学服务的线上、线下联动,保障了患者在分级诊疗过程中享受到同质化的药学服务。结论 互联网+背景下实施连续化、全程化的药学服务,充分体现了药师在分级诊疗中的价值。
关键词:  分级诊疗制度  药学服务  互联网  医疗改革
Application of Pharmaceutical Service in the Hierarchical Medical System in the Mobile Internet Era
YING Yin, SUN Yunfeng, LI Gonghua, ZHANG Meiling
Department of Pharmacy, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310012, China
OBJECTIVE To discuss the changes and development of pharmacy service in medical institutions as Zhejiang province steadily carrying out the pilot reform of "three-in-one" hierarchical medical. METHODS On the basis of analysis on the current situation of pharmacy service in hierarchical medical system, implementing the "two sinking and two improvement" project of pharmaceutical counterpart assistance, innovating pharmacy services relying on the transfer system platform and internet hospital. RESULTS The optimized pharmacy services from offline to online in all level medical institutions and provided homogenized pharmacy service to patients in hierarchical medical system. CONCLUSION Pharmacists professional value can be realized finally, in which the context of Internet+, as it is provided integrated and continuous pharmaceutical care.
Key words:  hierarchical medical system  pharmaceutical service  internet  reform of the medical and health system