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CHEN Qian,ZHANG Yulin,LIU Henan,ZHAO Ai,LI Zichang,HE Guixia.Comparison of the Content of Functional Components in Different Parts of Vine Tea[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(11):1542-1545.
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陈倩1, 张雨林1, 刘赫男2, 赵爱1, 李自倡1, 何桂霞1
1.湖南中医药大学药学院, 长沙 410208;2.湖南中医药大学第二附属医院, 长沙 410005
目的 比较藤茶不同部位制茶后的功能性成分总黄酮、二氢杨梅素、总糖、多糖的含量。方法 以70%的乙醇溶液提取藤茶中的总黄酮,以二氢杨梅素为对照品在紫外分光光度仪292 nm测定藤茶不同部位总黄酮含量;采用Hypersil BDS C18柱,流动相为甲醇-水-磷酸(35:65:0.1),流速为1.0 mL·min-1,HPLC 292 nm处测定藤茶不同部位二氢杨梅素含量;以蒸馏水为溶剂提取藤茶中的总糖,用80%乙醇醇沉得到多糖,采用硫酸-苯酚法显色,以葡萄糖为对照品在紫外分光光度仪490 nm测定藤茶不同部位总糖和多糖含量。结果 藤茶不同部位制茶后总黄酮、二氢杨梅素、总糖、多糖含量差别比较明显,其中藤茶芽尖粉末的总黄酮和二氢杨梅素含量最高,分别为53.64%,50.24%;藤茶老叶中的总糖含量最高为13.12%;藤茶嫩叶中的多糖含量最高为2.03%,而茶梗中总黄酮、二氢杨梅素、总糖、多糖含量均为最低。结论 实验所建立的测定藤茶不同部位制茶后的功能性成分含量的分析方法可行,结果可靠,能明确藤茶不同部位制茶后的功能性成分含量,为藤茶资源的利用提供相应的依据。
关键词:  藤茶  总黄酮  总糖  多糖  二氢杨梅素  含量测定
Comparison of the Content of Functional Components in Different Parts of Vine Tea
CHEN Qian1, ZHANG Yulin1, LIU Henan2, ZHAO Ai1, LI Zichang1, HE Guixia1
1.School of pharmacy, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China;2.Second Affiliated Hospital, Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410005, China
OBJECTIVE To compare the content of flavonoids, dihydromyricetint, otal sugar and polysaccharide in different parts of Vine Tea. METHODS Total flavonoids in Vine Tea were extracted with 70% ethanol solution. The content of total flavonoids in different parts of Vine Tea was determined by using ultraviolet spectrophotometry with dihydromyricetin as the reference substance at 292 nm. Using Hypersil BDS C18 column, the mobile phase was methanol-water-phosphate (35:65:0.1) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1. The content of dihydromyricetin in different parts of Vine Tea was measured at the UV detection wavelength of 292 nm. Total sugar in Vine Tea were extracted with distilled water and polysaccharide were extracted with 80% ethyl alcohol sink. The contents of total sugar and polysaccharide in different parts of Vine Tea were determined by UV-spectrophotometer at 490 nm with glucose as the reference substance. RESULTS The contents of total flavonoids, total sugar, polysaccharides and dihydromyricetin were different in different parts of Vine Tea. The contents of total flavonoids and dihydromyricetin were the highest in 53.64% and 50.24% in the powder of shoot apices. The content of total sugar in the old leaves of Vine Tea was 13.12% and polysaccharide in the young leaves of Vine Tea was 2.03%. The content of total flavonoids, dihydromyricetin, total sugar and polysaccharide in tea stem was the lowest. CONCLUSION The method for the determination of the content of functional components in different parts of Vine Tea are reliable, and can be used to clarify the functional constituents in different parts of Vine Tea. It can provide the appropriate basis for the use of rattan tea resources.
Key words:  Vine Tea  total flavonoids  total sugar  polysaccharide  dihydromyricetin  content determination