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MA Yuqin,LIU Yefang,ZHANG Lei.Analyzing the Intervening Effect of Clinical Pharmacist for Rational Use of Hepatoprotective Drugs in Medical Oncology[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(3):426-430.
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马玉琴1, 刘叶芳1, 张蕾2
1.山西大同煤矿集团有限责任公司总医院药学部, 山西 大同 037003;2.山西大同煤矿集团有限责任公司总医院肿瘤内科, 山西 大同 037003
目的 探讨临床药师对于促进肿瘤内科保肝药物合理使用发挥的作用。方法 通过专科临床药师药学干预和专项点评工作,分析比较2015年4月-2016年3月(干预前)、2016年4月到2017年3月(干预后)肿瘤内科化疗患者保肝药物的合理应用情况。结果 在恰当合适的药学干预下,肿瘤内科保肝药物在品种选择、使用指征、使用疗程、药物联用、用法用量等方面的不适宜情况明显减少(P<0.05)。结论 经过临床药师的干预,可以显著提高临床保肝药物使用的合理利用率,保障患者用药安全、有效,最大程度降低药物的不良反应和患者的经济负担。
关键词:  临床药师  保肝药物  肿瘤内科  合理用药
Analyzing the Intervening Effect of Clinical Pharmacist for Rational Use of Hepatoprotective Drugs in Medical Oncology
MA Yuqin1, LIU Yefang1, ZHANG Lei2
1.Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital of Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd., Datong 037003, China;2.Internal Medicine-Oncology, General Hospital of Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd., Datong 037003, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the role of clinical pharmacists play in promoting the rational use of hepatoprotective drugs. METHODS Through pharmaceutical intervention and special commentary work of specialized clinical pharmacists, we analyzed and compared the rational use of hepatoprotective drugs on chemotherapy patients in medical oncology with April 2015 to March 2016 (before intervention) and April 2016 to March 2017 (after intervention). RESULTS Under the appropriate pharmaceutical intervention, species selection, drug use indications, the period of treatment, drug combination, dosage of hepatoprotective drugs in medical oncology were significantly reduced(P<0.05). CONCLUSION After the intervention of clinical pharmacists, it can significantly improve the reasonable usage rate of hepatoprotective drugs, protect patients' drug safety and effectivity, also can reduce adverse drug reactions and the economic burden of patients.
Key words:  clinical pharmacists  hepatoprotective drugs  medical oncology  rational use of drugs