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TIAN Huidong,WANG Jing.Study on Using Delphi Method Constructing the Core Competence Index System of Clinical Pharmacists[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(2):236-239.
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田会东1, 王静2
1.漯河市中心医院, 河南 漯河 462300;2.漯河医学高等专科学校, 河南 漯河 462300
目的 初步构建临床药师核心能力指标体系。方法 通过文献回顾设计问卷,应用Delphi法,选取38名专家进行2轮问卷函询。结果 2轮专家咨询问卷回收率分别为97.4%,97.2%;专家权威系数范围为0.71~0.95。形成了临床药师的核心能力指标体系:包括一级指标5项,二级指标26项。结论 专家的积极性和权威性较高,形成的指标体系为临床药师的培养和临床药学工作的开展提供依据。
关键词:  Delphi法  临床药师  核心能力
Study on Using Delphi Method Constructing the Core Competence Index System of Clinical Pharmacists
TIAN Huidong1, WANG Jing2
1.Luohe Central Hospital, Luohe 462300, China;2.Luohe Medical College, Luohe 462300, China
OBJECTIVE To construct the core competence index system of clinical pharmacists. METHODS Through literature review design questionnaire, then using Delphi method for two rounds of questionnaire among 38 experts. RESULTS The questionnaires of the two rounds of consultation collected were 97.4% and 97.2%. Coefficient of the authority of experts was 0.71-0.95. The core competence index system of clinical pharmacists consisted of 5 first-level indicators and 26 second-level indicators. CONCLUSION The enthusiasm and authority of experts are high. The formation of the index system provides the basis for the cultivation of clinical pharmacists and the development of clinical pharmacy.
Key words:  delphi method  clinical pharmacist  core competence