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WANG Faying,WU Chaqing,CHEN Zhangjin,YU Huali,LIU Min,WANG Weiying.Determination of Three Effective Components and Preservatives in Compound Yuxingcao Mixture[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(3):399-403.
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王发英, 吴查青, 陈张金, 余华丽, 刘敏, 王伟影
丽水市食品药品与质量技术检验检测院, 浙江 丽水 323000
目的 考察市售复方鱼腥草合剂的质量。方法 收集10批不同厂家生产的复方鱼腥草合剂,应用HPLC测定3个有效成分(绿原酸、连翘酯苷A、黄芩苷)及防腐剂(苯甲酸钠、羟苯乙酯)含量。结果 10批复方鱼腥草合剂中绿原酸的含量为29.74~84.13μg·mL-1、连翘酯苷A的含量为22.69~113.44 μg·mL-1、黄芩苷的含量为0.587~1.662 mg·mL-1;苯甲酸钠和羟苯乙酯含量均符合标准规定。结论 复方鱼腥草合剂质量情况较乐观,但是不同批次内在质量有较大差异,现行标准的质量控制方法较简单,不能有效控制其质量,建议修订完善标准。
关键词:  复方鱼腥草合剂  有效成分  防腐剂  高效液相色谱法  含量测定
Determination of Three Effective Components and Preservatives in Compound Yuxingcao Mixture
WANG Faying, WU Chaqing, CHEN Zhangjin, YU Huali, LIU Min, WANG Weiying
Lishui Institute of Food and Drug & Quality and Technical Inspection, lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the quatity of compound Yuxingcao mixture in market. METHODS Collected 10 batches of Compound Yuxingcao mixture from different manufacturers, HPLC was applied to determine the content of 3 effective compoents (chlorogenic acid, forsythoside A and baicalin) and the content of preservatives (sodium benzoate and ethylparaben). RESULTS The content of chlorogenic acid of the 10 batchs of Compound Yuxingcao mixture was 29.74-84.13 μg·mL-1, the content of forsythoside A was 22.69-113.44 μg·mL-1, the content of baicalin was 0.587-1.662 mg·mL-1; The contents of sodium benzoate and ethylparaben were all met the standard. CONCLUSION The quality situation of Compound Yuxingcao mixture is optimistic, but there are differences in quality of different batches. The quality control method of Compound Yuxingcao mixture is simple and can not effectively control the quality, shall revise and improve the standard.
Key words:  Compound Yuxingcao mixture  effective compoents  preservatives  HPLC  content determination