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ZHOU Peng,MENG Yang.Diagnosis and Therapy of One Case of Tremor Induced by Multi-drug Combinations in Elderly Patient with COPD Exacerbation[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(7):1063-1066.
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周鹏1, 孟杨2
1.河南中医药大学第一附属医院药学部, 郑州 450000;2.焦作煤业集团有限责任公司中央医院临床药学科, 河南 焦作 454000
目的 临床药师通过分析多种药物联用导致不良反应的药物因素,为患者安全用药提供依据。方法 临床药师对1例老年COPD急性加重患者治疗中出现震颤的可能药物因素进行分析,调整药物治疗方案。结果 医师接受并调整用药方案后,患者未再出现震颤和其他药物不良反应,病情好转出院。结论 临床药师具有处置药物不良反应的专业优势,从药学角度提供科学的依据,协助医师制订最佳用药方案,发挥医疗团队的协同作用,使患者获得优质的医疗服务。
关键词:  左氧氟沙星  多索茶碱  药物间相互作用  震颤  不良反应  临床药师
Diagnosis and Therapy of One Case of Tremor Induced by Multi-drug Combinations in Elderly Patient with COPD Exacerbation
ZHOU Peng1, MENG Yang2
1.Department of Pharmaceutical Care, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of TCM, Zhengzhou 450000, China;2.Clinical Pharmacy Department, Jiaozuo Coal Group Co., Ltd., The Central Hospital, Jiaozuo 454000, China
OBJECTIVE To provide administrations of drug safety for patients by analyzing the drug factors of adverse reaction induced by multi-drug combinations by clinical pharmacists. METHODS The drug factors which in one case of tremor may caused by multi-drug combinations in elderly patient with COPD exacerbation were analyzed by clinical pharmacist, and drug treatment were adjusted. RESULTS After physician accept and adjust the regimen, patients did not reappear tremors and other adverse drug reactions, improved discharged from hospital. CONCLUSION Clinical pharmacists with the disposal of the professional advantages of adverse drug reactions, from the perspective of pharmacy to provide scientific basis, to assist the physician for best regimen, play the synergy of the medical team, make patient access to quality health care services.
Key words:  levofloxacin  doxofylline  drug-drug interaction  tremor  adverse drug reaction  clinical pharmacist