引用本文: | 郑雪花,杨祎蓂,房建伟,盖琦,李绅,赵松,刘佳,王玉,杨君,杨跃辉.“品管圈”活动对降低医院制剂氢定乳膏配制损耗率的效果分析[J].中国现代应用药学,2018,35(2):284-287. |
| ZHENG Xuehua,YANG Yiming,FANG Jianwei,GAI Qi,LI Shen,ZHAO Song,LIU Jia,WANG Yu,YANG Jun,YANG Yuehui.Effect of Quality Control Circle Activities on Reducing the Loss Rate of the Preparation of Hydrocortisone and Chlorhexidine Cetate Cream in the Hospital[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(2):284-287. |
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“品管圈”活动对降低医院制剂氢定乳膏配制损耗率的效果分析 |
郑雪花, 杨祎蓂, 房建伟, 盖琦, 李绅, 赵松, 刘佳, 王玉, 杨君, 杨跃辉
中国医科大学附属盛京医院药学部, 沈阳 110004
摘要: |
目的 开展品质管理圈(品管圈)活动,降低医院制剂氢定乳膏的配制损耗率,控制质量,节约成本。方法 按照品管圈十大步骤,收集2016年6月—12月所配制的8批次氢定乳膏的损耗率数据,分析造成氢定乳膏配制损耗率高的主要原因,制定相应对策并实施,并评价对策的有效性。结果 氢定乳膏配制损耗率由品管圈活动前的104.73‰降至活动后的53.24‰,且圈员解决问题能力、责任心、团队精神、脑力开发等无形成果均得到了提高。结论 通过品管圈活动的实施,有效降低了氢定乳膏的配制损耗率,提升了医院制剂管理水平。 |
关键词: 品管圈 医院制剂 损耗率 |
DOI:10.13748/j.cnki.issn1007-7693.2018.02.030 |
分类号:R952 |
基金项目: |
Effect of Quality Control Circle Activities on Reducing the Loss Rate of the Preparation of Hydrocortisone and Chlorhexidine Cetate Cream in the Hospital |
ZHENG Xuehua, YANG Yiming, FANG Jianwei, GAI Qi, LI Shen, ZHAO Song, LIU Jia, WANG Yu, YANG Jun, YANG Yuehui
Department of Pharmacy, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, China
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE To decrease the loss rate of the preparation of hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine cetate cream, and to ensure quality of hospital preparations and improve economic efficiency by carrying out Quality Control Circle(QCC) activity.METHODS According to ten steps of QCC, the loss rate of 8 batches of hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine cetate cream in Jun 2016 to Dec 2016 were collected, the major factors of high loss rate of hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine cetate cream were analyzed, and corresponding measures were formulated and evaluated. RESULTS The loss rate of hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine cetate cream was decreased from 104.73‰ to 53.24‰ via the QCC activity, and the ability of members to solve problem, the sense of responsibility, community spirit, mental development and other intangible results had been improved. CONCLUSION The performance of QCC has obviously decreased the loss rate of hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine cetate cream. Meanwhile, the activity has increased the management level of hospital preparations. |
Key words: quality control circle hospital preparations loss rate |