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LU Hongliu,ZHANG Nan,LI Taoyuan,YANG Xiaobai,ZHANG Na,XIA Wenbin.Assessment of Patient Behavior with Medicine and Intervention to Improve Safety[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(7):1058-1062.
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陆红柳, 张楠, 李桃园, 杨啸白, 张娜, 夏文斌
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目的 建立患者用药行为的评估指标体系,分析患者用药行为模式和潜在风险,对患者的不良用药行为进行干预。方法 采用德尔菲法自制问卷,把患者用药行为因素分为4个方面,包括基础信息、知识、态度和能力。检查问卷信度效度后,用于患者用药行为的评估和干预,对高风险患者进行二次评估和干预。结果 535例慢病患者中,高风险患者150例。高风险患者的用药行为干预前后,用药行为得分均值由9.9下降到5.8,知识得分均值由2.9降到0.8、态度得分均值由1.8降到1.4、能力得分均值由2.3降到0.7,干预前后患者用药行为风险存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 药师通过对慢性病长期用药患者进行用药行为的风险评估,针对风险因素,进行个体化用药教育,效果显著。
关键词:  用药行为  风险  患者教育  慢病管理  临床药师
Assessment of Patient Behavior with Medicine and Intervention to Improve Safety
LU Hongliu, ZHANG Nan, LI Taoyuan, YANG Xiaobai, ZHANG Na, XIA Wenbin
Beijing Chuiyangliu Hospital, Beijing 100022, China
OBJECTIVE To establish assessment system for patient medication behavior, analysis patient medication behavior mode and potential risk, to evaluate the effect of clinical pharmacists in chronic non-communicable disease management. METHODS Questionnaire was set up to evaluate patient medication behavior, which concluded basic information, knowledge, attitude and ability. Delphi method was used to check reliability. Patients with higher risk were assessed and intervented twice. RESULTS All of 535 patients were collected, 150 of which got higher risk. After assessment and intervention, the score of patient medication behavior decreased from 9.9 to 5.8, knowledge part from 2.9 to 0.8, attitude part from 1.8 to 1.4, ability part from 2.3 to 0.7. The result was significantly deference after the intervention(P<0.05). CONCLUSION By risk assessment of patient behavior, pharmacist conducte individual patient education, the effect of which is remarkable.
Key words:  patient medication behavior  risk  patient education  chronic non-communicable disease management  clinical pharmacist