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YU Yixuan,MAO Yingqi,MA Mengxi,LU Qingya,MING Yu,LYU Xiaoxue,SUN Lingzhi.Textual Research on Interpretation of Names of Herbal “Jinyanxiang”[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(6):937-941.
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俞仪萱1, 茅瑛琦2, 马梦茜1, 陆青娅1, 明雨1, 吕晓雪1, 孙灵芝1
1.北京中医药大学中医学院, 北京 100029;2.浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院, 杭州 310053
目的 通过对金颜香的本草名物进行考证研究,明确金颜香所对应的实物,以利于发挥其在医药学、香文化等方面的价值。方法 研究主要利用明代周嘉胄《香乘》对于金颜香的描述,并结合本草文献如中国药典、《新修本草》等,以及其他文献如《诸蕃志校注》《诸蕃志校释》等,进行相互比较、参证和辨析,从药物性状、产地、文献收录等多个角度分别对金颜香这一进口香药进行考证,探析“金颜香”的名物关系。结果 经文献考证,金颜香应为安息香科植物的干燥树脂,从性状考证表明,中国药典中树脂类药物没药和安息香较符合古籍中对于金颜香的记载,从产地考证可推断古籍中记载的安息香并非安息香科植物的树脂,金颜香既不是古籍中的安息香,也非没药,基本厘清了金颜香、古今安息香三者的关系。结论 金颜香的本草名物存在一定问题,经研究考证基本得以解决。
关键词:  香药  金颜香  《香乘》  安息香  本草考证
Textual Research on Interpretation of Names of Herbal “Jinyanxiang”
YU Yixuan1, MAO Yingqi2, MA Mengxi1, LU Qingya1, MING Yu1, LYU Xiaoxue1, SUN Lingzhi1
1.School of Basic Chinese Medical Science, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;2.First Clinical Medical Institute of zhejiang Chinese Medical university, Hangzhou 310053, China
OBJECTIVE to clarify the ambiguous relationship between Jinyanxiang's name and nature, identify the object of Jinyanxiang, in order to play its part in traditional Chinese medicine, aroma culture and other aspects through textual research. METHODS In this study, textual research on herbal substantive, including substantive of Jinyanxiang, the imported aroma, was from some perspectives such as:specific traits such as sort, shape, smell, texture and lighted cigarettes, producing area, other aspects in documents and records based on three references about it from Xiangsheng, in combination of comparison between and analysis of several documents of herbal medicine such as Chinese Pharmacopoeia and Newly Revised Materia Medica etc, and other ones like Proofread and Annotated on Zhufanzhi, Proofread and Paraphrased on Zhufanzhi. RESULTS Through textual research, this study held the view that Jinyanxiang was resin of Styrax. Research on its character showed that Myrrh and Styrax in Chinese Pharmacopoeia were more congruent with records of Jinyanxiang in ancient books. Through place of origin research, this study could figure out that ancient Styrax was not the modern one;Jinyanxiang was not ancient Styrax or ancient Myrrh, which clarify the relationship among Jinyanxiang, ancient Styrax and modern Styrax. CONCLUSION The relationship between Jinyanxiang's name and its nature is a moot point, and now it is solved mainly through this study.
Key words:  aromatic drug  Jinyanxiang  XiangSheng  Styrax  herbal texthal