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引用本文:辛文秀,郑小卫,李清林,童莹慧,丁海樱,黄萍.长链非编码RNA NEAT1在肿瘤中的功能和作用机制研究进展[J].中国现代应用药学,2018,35(10):1580-1585.
XIN Wenxiu,ZHENG Xiaowei,LI Qinglin,TONG Yinghui,DING Haiying,HUANG Ping.Research Progression on Function and Mechanism of Long Non-coding RNA NEAT1 in Cancer[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(10):1580-1585.
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长链非编码RNA NEAT1在肿瘤中的功能和作用机制研究进展
随着高通量测序技术和基因芯片的迅速发展,研究发现非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,ncRNA)在哺乳动物基因组中占有很高比例。长链非编码RNA(long ncRNA,lncRNA)和微小RNA(micro RNA,miRNA)是ncRNA的2个主要亚群,过去几年的研究显示lncRNA在多种疾病的发生发展中具有关键功能。LncRNA NEAT1是一类对于亚核体paraspeckles的结构形成和结构维持起重要作用的长链非编码RNA。NEAT1与肿瘤的形成、治疗及预后相关,并参与肿瘤细胞的生存与增殖、细胞周期、细胞凋亡、浸润和转移及细胞分化等重要过程。本文对NEAT1在肿瘤中的功能、分子机制及其对基因表达的调控方面进行综述。
关键词:  长链非编码RNA  NEAT1  肿瘤  功能  作用机制
Research Progression on Function and Mechanism of Long Non-coding RNA NEAT1 in Cancer
xinwenxiu,Zheng Xiaowei,Li Qinglin,Tong Yinghui,Ding Haiying and Huang Ping
Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Zhejiang Cancer Hospital
With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology and gene chips, non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) account for a high proportion of the mammalian genome. Studies shown that long ncRNA (lncRNA) and micro RNA (miRNA) are the two major subgroups of ncRNA. A number of studies have showed crucial functions for lncRNAs in cancer in the past few years. LncRNA NEAT1 is a class of lncRNA that play important roles in the structural formation and structural maintenance of paranuclear paraspeckles. LncRNA NEAT1 was reported to be associated with cancer progression, cancer treatment and prognosis, in addition. NEAT1 is involved in cell survival and proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, invasion and migration, and cell differentiation in cancer. In this review, the function and mechanisms of lincRNA NEAT1 in cancer and its regulation for the genes expression are summarized.
Key words:  long non-coding RNA  NEAT1  cancer  function  mechanism