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MA Weifeng,ZHOU Jianchao,GAO Shan,ZHU Junxia,YANG Wenhui,REN Yanli.Improvement and Analysis of Application Effect of the Drugs Automatic Request Module[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(11):1736-1739.
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马伟峰, 周建超, 高山, 朱俊霞, 杨文辉, 任艳丽
郑州大学第三附属医院药学部, 郑州 450052
目的 进一步提高药品自动请领模块的运行效率,降低各药房药品请领后的拒收药品品种数和药品配送过程中的催送药品品种数。方法 分析汇总原有药品自动请领模块的不足之处,改进药品请领数量的计算公式,在根据药品销量请领的基础上又增加了根据药品警戒库存请领窗口和短缺药品优先出库窗口。结果 改进后的药品自动请领模块与之前相比,由于药品自动请领量过大而导致的拒收药品品种数门诊药房由5.70±1.89下降到1.10±0.74,住院药房由1.90±0.99下降到0.30±0.48;药品配送过程中的催送药品品种数门诊药房由1.50±1.08下降到0.20±0.42,住院药房由0.40±0.52下降到0;药房药师对药品自动请领模块的满意度在门诊药房由(85.0±3.39)分上升到(96.8±2.39)分,在住院药房由(85.2±6.38)分上升到(97.6±2.30)分。结论 药品自动请领模块改进后,有效减少了2个药房由于药品自动请模块功能不完善而导致的拒收药品品种数和催送药品品种数,提高了2个药房对药品自动请领模块的满意度。
关键词:  药品  自动请领模块  改进  应用效果
Improvement and Analysis of Application Effect of the Drugs Automatic Request Module
MA Weifeng, ZHOU Jianchao, GAO Shan, ZHU Junxia, YANG Wenhui, REN Yanli
Department of Pharmacy, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
OBJECTIVE To further improve the efficiency of the drugs automatic request module and reduce the number of rejected drugs after request and the number of urging drugs during distribution process. METHODS Analyzed the shortcomings of the old drug automatic request module first, then modified the calculation formula of the number of drugs requested, and added the medicine request window according to the warning inventory and the priority out of the library window for the shortage of drugs. RESULTS Compared with the previous module, the number of rejected drugs dropped from 5.70±1.89 to 1.10±0.74 in the outpatient pharmacy, and it dropped from 1.90±0.99 to 0.30±0.48 in the hospital pharmacy. The number of urging drugs dropped from 1.50±1.08 to 0.20±0.42 in the outpatient pharmacy, and it dropped from 0.40±0.52 to 0 in the hospital pharmacy. The score of pharmacy's satisfaction with the drugs automatic request module increased from 85.0±3.39 to 96.8±2.39 in the outpatient pharmacy, and it increased from 85.2±6.38 to 97.6±2.30 in the hospital pharmacy. CONCLUSION The improvement of the drugs automatic request module can reduce the number of rejected drugs and the number of urging drugs in the pharmacy effectively. It also can improve pharmacy's satisfaction with the drugs automatic request module.
Key words:  drugs  automatic request module  improvement  application effect