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ZHANG Qian,WU Yuezhang,FU Hong,ZHU Yubing.Stability of Two Different Dilution Methods of Omeprazole Sodium for Injection[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(11):1652-1655.
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张倩1, 吴跃章2, 付红1,3, 朱余兵1
1.南京医科大学附属南京医院, 南京市第一医院药学部, 南京 210006;2.中国药科大学基础医学院与临床药学学院, 南京 211198;3.重庆医科大学药学院, 重庆 400016
目的 分析与探讨注射用奥美拉唑钠不同给药方式在输液配伍中的稳定性。方法 模拟注射用奥美拉唑钠制剂静脉滴注和静脉注射2种临床给药方式,以pH计测定4种溶液在不同时间段的pH值及其变化趋势,UV分别测定2种制剂以不同临床给药方式的全程吸光度值变化,计算奥美拉唑含量,研究其稳定性变化。结果 奥克®在3 h后浓度下降明显,仅可用于静脉推注,应配制完尽快使用;奥西康®在6 h内含量变化较小,基本上稳定,可用于静脉滴注。结论 2种注射用奥美拉唑的临床给药方式不同,其稳定性有较大差别,宜严格按照说明书的给药方式给药。
关键词:  注射用奥美拉唑钠  给药方式  稳定性
Stability of Two Different Dilution Methods of Omeprazole Sodium for Injection
ZHANG Qian1, WU Yuezhang2, FU Hong1,3, ZHU Yubing1
1.Department of Pharmacy, Nanjing First Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210006, China;2.College of Biology and Medicine, Clinical Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China;3.College of Pharmacy, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze and discuss the stability of different administration ways of omeprazole sodium for injection with transfusion fluid. METHODS Simulated 2 administration ways of omeprazole sodium for intravenous infusion and intravenous injection. The pH value at different periods was determined with pH meter, the differences of full absorbance value using 2 administration ways were measured by UV. Then the contents and the changes of omeprazole sodium were calculated. RESULTS The formulation for injection could only be used for intravenous injection and should be used as fast as possible after diluting as it decreased significantly after 3 h. And the other formulation remained stable within 6 h and could be used for intravenous infusion. CONCLUSION Due to different administration ways of omeprazole, the stability of 2 formulations vary obviously. So it shall follow the instructions of administration ways of these 2 drugs of omeprazole sodium.
Key words:  omeprazole sodium for injection  administration  stability