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Zhao Weiliang,Yi Ze,Huang Qinwei.Textual Research on the Legal Medicinal Plants of gymnosperms[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(7):1020-1024.
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赵维良, 依泽, 黄琴伟
浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 杭州 310052
目的 厘清由于分类系统和种分类等级的变化、种鉴定等原因引起的裸子类法定药用植物基源混乱情况,有助于来源于裸子类植物中药材植物基源的正本清源。方法 查询我国国家和各省市自治区的药材标准,找出收载来源于裸子类植物的药材,对原植物基源有疑问的种类,从植物系统分类、分类群等级和种鉴定等各方面进行考证。结果 我国国家和地方标准收载的药材中,来源于裸子类法定药用植物共有8科38种,其中基源鉴定清晰,分类无问题,中文名和拉丁学名无混淆的24种,由于分类系统变化而造成种混淆的7种,种等级分类群的意见分歧导致种的鉴定、归并不同而造成混淆的3种,中文名混淆的4种,并对有混淆的种类进行考订纠正。结论 裸子类法定药用植物基源有一定问题,但经过研究考订,这些问题都能得以厘清解决。
关键词:  法定药用植物  裸子类法定药用植物  植物基源考证
Textual Research on the Legal Medicinal Plants of gymnosperms
Zhao Weiliang, Yi Ze, Huang Qinwei
Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310052, China
OBJECTIVE To clarify the origin of legal medicinal plants from gymnosperms, which were made some chaos because of the change of classification system and species identification, and to contribute to solve the problems of confusion about the original plants from gymnosperms in the standards of Chinese crud drugs. METHODS Query for Chinese crude drug standards of state and various provinces, autonomous regions to find out the species with different Chinese and Latin names for the same plant from gymnosperms, and make textual research on plant taxonomy, species identification and so on. RESULTS In Chinese crude drug standards of state, various provinces and autonomous regions it contained 8 families, 38 species original plant from gymnosperms, including 24 species without confusion in species identification and Chinese or Latin names, 7 species with confusion of Chinese names or Latin names due to the change of classification system. There were 4 species with problems of species identification and taxonomic grade, 4 species with problems of Chinese name confusion. CONCLUSION Although there are a little problems in the origin of legal medicinal plants from gymnosperms, these problems can be solved through the study.
Key words:  legal medicinal plants  the legal medicinal plants of gymnosperms  textual research on plant origin