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WANG Yi,CHEN Ruijie.Pharmaceutical Care of Clinical Pharmacists for One Patient with Granulocytopenia Caused by Rifampicin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(4):485-488.
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汪毅1,2, 陈瑞杰2
1.台州市妇女儿童医院药剂科, 浙江 台州 318000;2.温州医科大学附属第二医院、育英儿童医院药学部, 浙江 温州 325000
目的 探讨临床药师对利福平引起粒细胞减少的临床治疗实践。方法 结合台州市妇女儿童医院1例利福平引起粒细胞减少的临床资料,临床药师运用临床药物治疗学的理论知识,通过参与药物不良反应的识别以及患儿抗菌药物选择等工作,对患儿进行药物治疗管理。结果 患者因利福平引起粒细胞减少,应及时给予利可君等升白治疗。结论 在临床工作中,临床药师要发挥专业的优势,同时要注意药物所引起的不良反应,通过早期识别药物不良反应,为临床医师提供合理的治疗方案,体现临床药师的价值。
关键词:  临床药师  粒细胞  利福平
Pharmaceutical Care of Clinical Pharmacists for One Patient with Granulocytopenia Caused by Rifampicin
WANG Yi1,2, CHEN Ruijie2
1.Department of Pharmacy, Taizhou Women and Children's Hospital, Taizhou 318000, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, The Second Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical practice of pharmacists on granulocytopenia induced by rifampicin. METHODS Combined with the clinical data of granulocytopenia induced by rifampicin, clinical pharmacists used the theoretical knowledge of clinical pharmacology to manage drug treatment by participating in the identification of adverse drug reactions and the selection of antibiotics. RESULTS The patients with granulocytopenia induced by rifampicin, should be given prompt treatment, such as Likoxine and so on. CONCLUSION In the clinical work, clinical pharmacists shall give full play to their professional advantages, paying attention to the adverse reactions caused by drugs, and early identifying adverse reactions, to provide a reasonable treatment plan for clinicians to reflect their value.
Key words:  clinical pharmacologist  granulocytopenia  rifampicin