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HUANG Zhaohui,CAI Dandan.Rapid Identification of Phenacetin and Berberine Illegally Adultarated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Food Based on Internet Search Strategy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(11):1642-1645.
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黄朝辉1, 蔡丹丹2
1.宁波市药品检验所, 浙江 宁波 315048;2.宁波戒毒研究中心, 浙江 宁波 315010
目的 鉴定抗风湿类中成药和保健食品中非法添加的2个未知成分。方法 采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器联用(HPLC-DAD)技术进行抗风湿类中成药和保健食品非法添加筛查时发现2个可疑色谱峰,采用UPLC-MS/MS技术获得其准分子离子和二级质谱图,然后通过网络搜索分析初步确定可疑成分,最后与对照品比较检测,最终确定2个非法添加化合物的结构。结果 在抗风湿类保健食品中检出盐酸小檗碱,中成药中检出非那西丁。结论 这2个化合物不在现有抗风湿类中成药和保健食品检验标准13种目标化合物范围内,容易逃脱标准监管范围。
关键词:  保健食品  中成药  抗风湿  盐酸小檗碱  非那西丁  非法添加  超高效液相色谱-质谱联用
Rapid Identification of Phenacetin and Berberine Illegally Adultarated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Food Based on Internet Search Strategy
HUANG Zhaohui1, CAI Dandan2
1.Ningbo Institute for Drug Control, Ningbo 315048, China;2.Ningbo Drug Research Center, Ningbo 315010, China
OBJECTIVE To identify two unknown compounds illegally adulterated in traditional Chinese medicine and dietary supplement. METHODS Two unknown compounds were observed in a routine screening for illegal adulteration by HPLC-DAD. Their quasi-molecular ions and MS2 spectrum were obtained by UPLC-MS/MS. The compounds of interest were preliminary determined by internet search using these informations and finally indentified by comparison with reference substances. RESULTS Berberine hydrochloride and phenacetin was detected in anti rheumatic health care products and Chinese patent medicine respectively. CONCLUSION These two compounds are not included in the current inspection standard which lists 13 target compounds and can avoid the supervision of the regulatory agency.
Key words:  health food  Chinese patent medicine  berberine  phenacetin  illegal addition  UPLC-MS/MS