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YU Xiaoying,XU Xinghua,JIN Hua,FENG Xinchang,YAN Chunlu,LIU Shuangfang,ZHENG Longfei,LIU Zhijun.Determination of Indole and Skatole in Rat Feces from Different Environments by HPLC[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(11):1597-1601.
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俞晓英1,2, 徐兴华1, 金华1, 冯新昌3, 颜春鲁3, 刘双芳1, 郑龙飞1, 刘志军1
1.甘肃中医药大学中医临床学院, 兰州 730000;2.甘肃宝石花医院, 兰州 730060;3.甘肃省中药药理与毒理学重点实验室, 兰州 730000
目的 采用HPLC测定不同环境下大鼠粪便中吲哚和3-甲基吲哚。方法 采用HPLC-FLD技术,以Hypersil GOLD C8色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),乙腈和水为流动相,梯度洗脱,同时测定普通环境、SPF繁殖区及SPF实验区大鼠新鲜粪便中吲哚与3-甲基吲哚含量,对比分析不同环境的大鼠粪便中吲哚和3-甲基吲哚含量差异。结果 建立了同时测定大鼠粪便中吲哚与3-甲基吲哚含量的理想检测条件;不同环境下大鼠粪便中吲哚与3-甲基吲哚含量差异极大,与普通环境饲养的大鼠相比(吲哚为2.65 μg·g-1),SPF实验区和SPF繁殖区大鼠粪便中吲哚含量分别为26.09,6.25 μg·g-1,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);与普通环境饲养的大鼠相比(3-甲基吲哚为1.82 μg·g-1),SPF实验区和SPF繁殖区大鼠粪便中3-甲基吲哚含量分别为0.43,0 μg·g-1,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 该方法重现性好、特异性强,可用于大鼠粪便中吲哚与3-甲基吲哚的含量测定分析。
关键词:  大鼠粪便  饲养环境  高效液相色谱法  吲哚  3-甲基吲哚
Determination of Indole and Skatole in Rat Feces from Different Environments by HPLC
YU Xiaoying1,2, XU Xinghua1, JIN Hua1, FENG Xinchang3, YAN Chunlu3, LIU Shuangfang1, ZHENG Longfei1, LIU Zhijun1
1.Clinic College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gansu University of TCM, Lanzhou 730000, China;2.General Hospital of Gansu Gem Flower, Lanzhou 730060, China;3.Key Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology for Traditional Chinese Medicines of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China
OBJECTIVE To establish the method for simultaneous detection indole and skatole in rat feces from different environments by HPLC. METHODS HPLC-FLD method was used, and the contents were determined in fresh feces of rats from normal environment, SPF breeding area and SPF experimentation area, by Hypersil GOLD C8 (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm), with water and acetonitrile as the mobile phase for gradient elution. Comparative analysis the content of indole and skatole in rat feces from different environments. RESULTS The conditions for simultaneous determination of indole and skatole in feces of rats were established. In different environments, the content of indole and skatole in feces were significantly different. Compared with the common environment of rats (indole was 2.65 μg·g-1), the content of indole in feces from SPF experimental and breeding area were 26.09, 6.25 μg·g-1, the difference were significant (all P<0.01). Compared with the common environment of rats (skatole was 1.82 μg·g-1), the content of skatole in feces from SPF experimental area and breeding area were 0.43, 0 μg·g-1, the difference were significant (all P<0.01). CONCLUSION This method has good reproducibility, and strong characteristic, and can be used for the determination of indole and skatole in rats feces.
Key words:  feces of rat  environments area  HPLC  indole  skatole