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LU Shihua,WEI Yingying,LI Shan,WEI Guanghui.Analysis on the Unannounced Inspection of GMP(2010) in Pharmaceutical Enterprises[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(2):228-231.
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陆仕华, 韦莹莹, 李杉, 韦广辉
广西壮族自治区食品药品审评查验中心, 南宁 530029
目的 进一步了解药品生产企业在GMP(2010年修订)飞行检查中存在缺陷的规律和特点,为监管部门的监管提出一些针对性的建议和措施。方法 分析2017年广西食品药品审评查验中心组织对辖区内11家药品生产企业进行飞行检查发现的缺陷情况。结果 11家药品生产企业接受飞行检查,4家企业被收回《药品GMP证书》,1家企业被限期整改,缺陷主要集中在6个方面,分别为企业未按批准处方工艺组织生产;人员培训不到位;物料与产品管理混乱;生产管理不到位;质量控制与保证抓得不够严;企业数据可靠性不强。结论 企业应加强自律,更新观念,进一步完善GMP体系,监管部门应适应新时代要求,改变和创新监管工作思路,提高飞行检查的震慑力和权威性,促使药品生产企业持续按GMP要求执行。
关键词:  药品  GMP  飞行检查  生产企业  数据可靠性
Analysis on the Unannounced Inspection of GMP(2010) in Pharmaceutical Enterprises
LU Shihua, WEI Yingying, LI Shan, WEI Guanghui
Guangxi Food and Drug Evaluation & Inspection Center, Nanning 530029, China
OBJECTIVE To know more about the rules and characteristics of defects on unannounced inspection of the GMP(2010) on pharmaceutical enterprises, to provide reference and measures for supervision department. METHODS Analyzing the defects found in the unannounced inspection of 11 pharmaceutical enterprises organized by Guangxi Food and Drug Evaluation & Inspection Center in 2017. RESULTS Eleven pharmaceutical enterprises accepted unannounced inspection and 4 of them were deprived of GMP certificates. A total of 6 major deficiencies were found:enterprises failing to approve prescription technology to organize production, personnel's training was affirmed to be insufficient, material and products management was ineffective, production management was nonstandard, quality control and quality assurances was poor and data was not reliable. CONCLUSION The enterprises shall innovate themselves, update their concepts, improve the GMP system. The supervision department shall change and innovate the regulatory thinking, to improve the deterrentness and authority of unannounced inspection, and encourage pharmaceutical enterprises to continuously implement the GMP.
Key words:  medicines  GMP  unannounced inspection  enterprises  data reliability