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YI Ze,HUANG Qinwei,ZHAO Weiliang.Textual Research on the Legal Medicinal Plants Which from Casuarinaceae to Urticaceae[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(12):1849-1854.
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依泽, 黄琴伟, 赵维良
浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 杭州 310052
目的 纠正由于属的异名充作正名、属等级分类群的归并、种等级分类群的鉴定和归并、中文名的混淆等原因引起的药材标准中法定药用植物基源混乱的问题。方法 查询我国国家和各省、市、自治区的有关药材标准及权威分类学著作,对基源有争议或学名有混淆的种,从分类系统、种鉴定和标准使用等各方面进行考证。结果 我国国家和地方标准收载的法定药用植物中,来源于恩格勒系统木麻黄科至荨麻科的共有86种3变种,其中植物基源鉴定清晰,分类无问题,中文名和拉丁学名无混淆的54种2变种;由属名的异名充作正名而引起拉丁名混乱的2种,由属等级分类群归并而引起拉丁名混乱的1种,由种等级分类群的鉴定和归并而引起拉丁名混乱的9种,存在中文名混淆问题的20种1变种,并对这些种进行考订纠正。结论 31种1变种已考证清楚,1种尚待进一步研究。
关键词:  法定药用植物  植物基源考证  胡椒科  桑科  荨麻科
Textual Research on the Legal Medicinal Plants Which from Casuarinaceae to Urticaceae
YI Ze, HUANG Qinwei, ZHAO Weiliang
Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310052, China
OBJECTIVE To correct the origins of legal medicinal plants, which have problem due to the genus names' synonyms, identification of genus, identification and consolidation of species, confusion of Chinese names. METHODS Chinese crude drug standards of state, various provinces and autonomous regions were searched. Taxonomic books were also retrieved. Origins with problem were studied from classification system, species identification and so on. RESULTS In Chinese crude drug standards of state and various provinces and autonomous regions, there were 86 species and 3 varieties belong to 12 families which from Casuarinaceae to Urticaceae, including 54 species and 2 varieties with no problem, 2 species' Latin names with troubles due to the genus names' synonyms, 1 specie with troubles about consolidation of genus, 9 species with troubles due to the identification and consolidation of species, 20 species and 1 variety with confusion of Chinese names. CONCLUSION 31 species and 1 variety were researched clearly, 1 species were worth to study further.
Key words:  legal medicinal plants  textual research on plant origin  Piperaceae  Moraceae  Urticaceae