引用本文: | 张超,韩家赟,鲍红荣,戚静燕,戴海斌,张小军,杨蓉.“帕金森病病友会”药学服务新模式对患者依从性的影响[J].中国现代应用药学,2019,36(3):349-352. |
| ZHANG Chao,HAN Jiayun,BAO Hongrong,QI Jingyan,DAI Haibin,ZHANG Xiaojun,YANG Rong.Effect of New Model of Pharmaceutical Service on Patient Compliance in “Parkinson's Disease Patient Association”[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(3):349-352. |
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“帕金森病病友会”药学服务新模式对患者依从性的影响 |
张超1, 韩家赟2, 鲍红荣1, 戚静燕1, 戴海斌3, 张小军1, 杨蓉1
1.杭州市临安区人民医院药剂科, 杭州 311300;2.海宁市人民医院药剂科, 浙江 嘉兴 314400;3.浙江大学医学院附属第二医院药剂科, 杭州 310009
摘要: |
目的 探索"临安区帕金森病病友会"药学服务新模式对患者依从性的影响。方法 通过开展"临安区帕金森病病友会"药学服务新模式,比较新模式管理患者与非管理患者的服药依从性Morisky问卷评分,并进行分析。结果 干预组:依从性中等及以上(前后Morisky问卷评分0~2分)从42例升至56例,依从性差(3~4分)从21例将至7例;对照组:依从性中等及以上(前后Morisky问卷评分0~2分)从36例到32例,依从性差(3~4分)从9例到13例。2组干预后依从性评分差异有统计意义(P=0.012)。结论 "帕金森病病友会"药学服务新模式可以提高患者依从性,"病友会"药学服务新模式值得在临床实践中推广。 |
关键词: 帕金森病 药学服务 临床药师 慢性病管理 病友会 |
DOI:10.13748/j.cnki.issn1007-7693.2019.03.019 |
分类号:R95 |
基金项目:2017年浙江省药学会医院药学专项科研资助项目(2017ZYY19);2017年度临安市社会组织公益创投项目(C03) |
Effect of New Model of Pharmaceutical Service on Patient Compliance in “Parkinson's Disease Patient Association” |
ZHANG Chao1, HAN Jiayun2, BAO Hongrong1, QI Jingyan1, DAI Haibin3, ZHANG Xiaojun1, YANG Rong1
1.Department of Pharmacy, Lin'an District People's Hospital, Hangzhou 311300, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Haining People's Hospital, Jiaxing 314400, China;3.Department of Pharmacy, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310009, China
Abstract: |
OBJECTIVE To explore the effect in the compliance from the new model of pharmaceutical service "Lin'an District Parkinson's Disease Patient Association". METHODS Through the develop of the new model of pharmaceutical service in the "Lin'an District Parkinson's Disease Patient Association", medication adherence was compared between the new model management patients and non-management patients with Morisky questionnaire scores and analyzed the result. RESULTS Intervention group:Compliance which was greater than or equal to moderate(Morisky questionnaire score 0 to 2 points) was raised from 42 to 56 cases, and poor compliance(3 to 4 points) was decreased from 21 to 7 cases; Control group:Compliance which was greater than or equal to moderate(Morisky questionnaire score 0 to 2 points) was from 36 to 32 cases, poor compliance (Morisky questionnaire score 3 to 4) was from 9 to 13 cases. The intervention group had a statistically significant in compliance score after intervention (P=0.012). CONCLUSION The new model of "Parkinson's Disease Patient Association" has improved the compliance of patients, and the new model of "patient association" in pharmaceutical service is worthy of being generalized in clinical practice. |
Key words: Parkinson's disease pharmaceutical service clinical pharmacists chronic disease management patient association |