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CHEN Kaixia,ZHAO Guangyu,HUANG Jixun.Practice and Experience of Decreasing Drug Proportion by a Series of Measures of Circuit Breaker on the Key Monitoring Drugs[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(12):1902-1905.
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陈凯霞, 赵广玉, 黄继勋
靖江市人民医院药学部, 江苏 靖江 214500
目的 探讨重点监控药品的"熔断"等系列干预措施在降低医院药占比中的有效模式。方法 通过对2013-2017年笔者所在医院药占比的数据分析,评价实施重点监控药品"熔断"机制等一系列行政上和技术上的干预措施后,药占比的变化情况。结果 措施干预后,该院药占比显著下降,到2017年底,药占比从2015年的37.19%降为27.82%,达到了预期的目标。结论 对重点监控药品实施"熔断"等系列机制,有效地降低了该院的药占比,切实降低了患者的药品费用,极大地推动了医院管理水平的提高。
关键词:  药占比  控制  措施  药品熔断  医院管理水平
Practice and Experience of Decreasing Drug Proportion by a Series of Measures of Circuit Breaker on the Key Monitoring Drugs
CHEN Kaixia, ZHAO Guangyu, HUANG Jixun
Department of Pharmacy, Jingjiang People's Hospital, Jingjiang 214500, China
OBJECTIVE To study the effective mode of reducing the drug proportion by a series of measures of circuit breaker in the drug management. METHODS Effectiveness of a series of administrative and technical measures were evaluated by analyzing the changes of the drug proportion in the authors' hospital from 2013 to 2017. RESULTS After taking the series of the measures, the drug proportion in the hospital dropped significantly. By the end of 2017, the drug proportion had dropped from 37.19% in 2015 to 27.82%, which reached the expected goal of controling drug proportion. CONCLUSION The series of measures, including circuit breaker in the drug management, effectively reduced the drug proportion and the patients' drug costs in the hospital, which greatly promoted the levels of hospital management.
Key words:  drug proportion  control  measures  circuit breaker in the drug management  hospital management