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PAN Shu,YUAN Yongfang,JIN Jian.Retrospective Study and Approaches Discussion of Clinical Pharmacists to Participate in Clinical Treatment of Cardiovascular Department[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(10):1260-1263.
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潘姝, 原永芳, 金剑
上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院药剂科, 上海 200011
目的 研究和探讨临床药师在心血管内科开展药学服务的类别和内容,为药师参与临床治疗提供思路。方法 通过统计临床用药干预建议的类别及接受率,结合病例分析临床药师参与临床工作的内容与方法。结果 临床干预建议中,非专科用药干预建议略多于专科用药,分别占53.5%和46.5%;其中非专科用药接受率比专科用药略高,为90.8%。结论 临床药师应掌握专科主要病种的治疗药物,熟悉常见合并症非专科治疗用药的使用方法,具备良好的沟通技能,以便为临床提供多种形式的药学服务,促进药物应用更加安全、有效。
关键词:  心血管内科  临床药师  药物治疗  用药干预  用药建议
Retrospective Study and Approaches Discussion of Clinical Pharmacists to Participate in Clinical Treatment of Cardiovascular Department
PAN Shu, YUAN Yongfang, JIN Jian
Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate and explore the category and content of clinical pharmacist's pharmaceutical services in cardiovascular department, and afford approaches of participating in clinical treatment. METHODS The records of pharmacist's interventions and advisings were analyzed statistically in categories and the acceptance rate of clinicians, otherwise working contents and methods were introduced through case studies. RESULTS The interventions and advisings of no-specialist drugs(53.5%) were more than specialist drugs(46.5%), and the acceptance rate of no-specialist drugs(90.8%) was also slightly higher. CONCLUSION Clinical pharmacists shall master major types of specialist drugs, familiar with non-specialist drugs of common complications, and possess better communication skills, so as to provide various pharmaceutical care and promote safe and effective use of drugs in the clinic.
Key words:  cardiovascular department  clinical pharmacist  drug treatment  drug intervention  drug advising