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LIU Jian,DENG Xiaoyun,ZHU Yungui,ZHANG Bikui.Whole Process Informationization of Pharmacy Management and Pharmaceutical Service Practice[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(7):873-876.
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刘健, 邓小云, 朱运贵, 张毕奎
中南大学湘雅二医院药学部, 长沙 410011
目的 探讨在药房管理和药学服务中采用信息化手段,保障患者用药安全,提高药事管理水平。方法 总结中南大学湘雅二医院五官科药房在药品调剂、药学服务和团队建设各方面的信息化建设进展及经验,分析对比实施效果,提出改进方案。结果 笔者所在医院五官科药房信息化建设程度较高,尤其是建立了用于药品养护的温湿度监控管理系统、用于住院药房调剂的数字化智能药房系统以及促进合理用药的审方平台。各病区医嘱领药组车效率均>65%,眼科医嘱单调配时间均<2 min。结论 医院药房全流程信息化建设有助于提高工作效率,降低调剂差错,保障患者安全用药。
关键词:  信息化  药房管理  药学服务
Whole Process Informationization of Pharmacy Management and Pharmaceutical Service Practice
LIU Jian, DENG Xiaoyun, ZHU Yungui, ZHANG Bikui
Department of Pharmacy, Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410011, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the use of information technology in pharmacy management and pharmaceutical services to ensure the safety of patients' medication and improve the management of pharmaceutical affairs. METHODS The progress and experience of informatization construction in drug dispensing, pharmaceutical services and team building in facial features pharmacy of Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University were summarized. The implementation effect was analyzed and compared, and the improvement plan was proposed. RESULTS The informationization of facial features pharmacy was relatively high, especially the establishment of a temperature and humidity monitoring management system for drug maintenance, a digital intelligent pharmacy system for hospital pharmacy dispensing, and a prescription censor platform for promoting rational drug use. The combination efficiency of medical orders in all wards were >65%, and the drug dispensing time of ophthalmology orders were all < 2 min. CONCLUSION The construction of whole process informationization helps to improve work efficiency, reduce dispensing errors, and ensure safe drug use for patients.
Key words:  information  pharmacy management  pharmaceutical service