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CUI Dawei,JI Limei,HU Min,ZHANG Lin,SHAO Mingjun,HU Meixu.Clinical Investment of Apatinib in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Massive Cervical Cancer[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(12):1553-1555.
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崔大伟, 季丽梅, 胡旻, 张琳, 邵明君, 胡美旭
金华市中心医院, 浙江 金华 321000
目的 探索阿帕替尼在巨块型(肿瘤直径>4 cm)宫颈癌新辅助化疗中的应用效果。方法 收集金华市中心医院2016年6月-2018年1月确诊为宫颈癌且肿瘤直径>4 cm的患者31例,随机分为治疗组(16例,予以顺铂+紫杉醇+阿帕替尼)与对照组(15例,予以顺铂+紫杉醇)化疗2个周期,统计2组患者化疗过程中并发症、肿瘤变化、手术用时、出血量、术后并发症等情况,比较阿帕替尼在新辅助化疗中的作用效果。结果 比较化疗前治疗组肿瘤直径(4.74±0.51)cm,对照组肿瘤直径(4.90±0.56)cm,差异无统计学意义;化疗后治疗组肿瘤直径(2.54±0.90)cm,对照组肿瘤直径(3.28±0.38)cm,2组差异有统计学意义P<0.05;治疗组手术时间(244.19±22.37)min,出血量(288.06±34.05)mL,对照组手术时间(282.27±10.87)min,出血量(342.33±51.58)mL,2组手术时间及出血量均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 巨块型宫颈癌患者的新辅助化疗中联合阿帕替尼能更好缩小肿瘤,有利于手术顺利进行。
关键词:  阿帕替尼  新辅助化疗  巨块型宫颈癌
Clinical Investment of Apatinib in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy of Massive Cervical Cancer
CUI Dawei, JI Limei, HU Min, ZHANG Lin, SHAO Mingjun, HU Meixu
Jinhua Municipal Central Hospital, Jinhua 321000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical effect of apatinib in the neoadjuvant chemotherapy of massive cervical cancer(tumor diameter > 4 cm). METHODS Thirty-one cases patients of cervical cancer who were diagnosed in Jinhua Municipal Central Hospital with the diameter of the tumor > 4 cm were collected between June 2016 to January 2018. They were randomly divided into the treatment group(16 cases, cisplatin+paclitaxel+apatinib) and the control group(15 cases, cisplatin+ paclitaxel) for two cycles of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy-related complications, the changes of the tumor, operation time, operative blood loss and the postoperative complications were described to demosterate the role of apatinib played in neoadjuvant chemotherapy. RESULTS There was no significant difference in the diameter of tumors between the treatment group[(4.74±0.51)cm] and the control group[(4.90±0.56)cm] before chemotherapy. After chemotherapy, the diameter of tumors in the treatment group was (2.54±0.90)cm and that in the control group was (3.28±0.38)cm, the difference between the two groups had statistically significant(P<0.05). The operation time of the treatment group were (244.19±22.37)min and bleeding volume of the treatment group were (288.06±34.05)mL, while the operation time of the control group were (282.27±10.87)min and bleeding volume of the control group were (342.33±51.58)mL, there had significant differences in operation time and bleeding volume between the two groups(P<0.05). CONCLUSION Neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with apatinib in patients with massive cervical cancer can reduce the size of the tumors with a better effect and it is conducive to the smooth operation.
Key words:  apatinib  neoadjuvant chemotherapy  massive cervical cancer