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ZHANG Wei,GE Min,CHEN Yifang,HE Lanxiang,MIN Wei,QIAN Xiangfeng,YAO Hongying,HU Picheng,XIE Minghua.Practice and Experience of Re-engineering of Discharge Drug Delivery Process Based on Lean Management Theory[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(12):1569-1573.
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张玮1, 葛敏1, 陈毅芳1, 何兰香1, 闵炜1, 钱祥峰2, 姚红瑛3, 胡丕城4, 谢明华1
1.杭州市余杭区第一人民医院药剂科, 杭州 311100;2.杭州市余杭区第一人民医院医务部, 杭州 311100;3.杭州市余杭区第一人民医院护理部, 杭州 311100;4.杭州市余杭区第一人民医院信息科, 杭州 311100
目的 运用精益管理(lean management,LM)理论,对出院带药进行流程再造。方法 通过使用价值流图(Value Stream Mapping)和7种浪费(Seven Wastes)2种LM工具对原出院带药流程进行分析,通过多部门协作对流程进行再造。结果 新流程的实施减少了出院带药流通环节,降低出错机率,保证了患者用药安全;减轻了医护人员的工作强度,减少了人力资源成本,缩短了患者的出院时间,提高了患者和医务人员的满意度,并让患者享受到药师专业的用药指导服务。结论 新流程提供了高品质、方便快捷的出院带药服务,保证了患者用药安全。
关键词:  精益管理  出院带药  流程再造
Practice and Experience of Re-engineering of Discharge Drug Delivery Process Based on Lean Management Theory
ZHANG Wei1, GE Min1, CHEN Yifang1, HE Lanxiang1, MIN Wei1, QIAN Xiangfeng2, YAO Hongying3, HU Picheng4, XIE Minghua1
1.Department of Pharmacy, The First People's Hospital of Yuhang District, Hangzhou 311100, China;2.Department of Medical, The First People's Hospital of Yuhang District, Hangzhou 311100, China;3.Department of Nursing, The First People's Hospital of Yuhang District, Hangzhou 311100, China;4.Department of Information, The First People's Hospital of Yuhang District, Hangzhou 311100, China
OBJECTIVE To re-engineer the discharge drug delivery process by the use of the theory of lean management(LM). METHODS Two LM tools like Value Stream Mapping(VSM) and Seven Wastes(SW) were used to analyze the original process of discharge medication. Through multi-sectoral collaboration, the process could be reconstituted. RESULTS This implementation of new process could simplify the steps of discharge medication, reduced the chance of mistakes, ensured patients' medication safety, lightened the intensity of medical personnel work, cut down the costs of human resources, shortened the patients' discharge time, improved patients' and medical staffs' satisfaction and made patients being served by the clinical pharmacists' professional medication guidance. CONCLUSION The novel process of discharge medication provides high quality, convenient and quick service which ensures patients' safety medication.
Key words:  lean management  discharge medication  process re-engineering