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WU Weibang,WEI Jinhong,WEI Jinshuang,HUANG Suoyi,ZHOU Xing'er.Research Progress of Blumea Megacephala[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(24):3126-3129.
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吴炜邦1, 韦金红1, 韦金双1, 黄锁义2,3, 周星儿1
1.右江民族医学院临床医学院, 广西 百色 533000;2.右江民族医学院药学院, 广西 百色 533000;3.广西高校右江流域特色民族药研究重点实验室, 广西 百色 533000
目的 对白花九里明的研究进展进行综述。方法 结合国内最新文献,从生药学特征、化学成分和药理作用等方面对白花九里明的研究进展进行归纳与整理。结果与结论 白花九里明主要含有苷类、有机酸、酚类、黄酮类及挥发油等化学成分,具有镇痛镇静、凝血、止血、降血压以及保护肝脏等药理作用,但多种药理活性的机制尚不明确,需要进一步深入开展相关研究。
关键词:  白花九里明  生药学特征  化学成分  药理作用
Research Progress of Blumea Megacephala
WU Weibang1, WEI Jinhong1, WEI Jinshuang1, HUANG Suoyi2,3, ZHOU Xing'er1
1.Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, College of Clinical Medicine, Baise 533000, China;2.Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, College of Pharmacy, Baise 533000, China;3.Key Laboratory of Guangxi Universities on National Medicine in Youjiang River, Baise 533000, China
OBJECTIVE To review the advances in the research of Blumea megacephala. METHODS It was summed up of the progresses on the pharmacognostic characteristics, chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Blumea megacephala on the basis of the latest literatures. RESULTS & CONCLUSION Blumea megacephala mainly contains glycosides, organic acids, phenols, flavonoids and volatile oils. It has the pharmacological effects of analgesia and sedation, coagulation, hemostasis, lowering blood pressure and protecting liver. However, the mechanism of many pharmacological activities is still unclear, which needs further research.
Key words:  Blumea megacephala  pharmacognostic characteristics  chemical constituents  pharmacological effects