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WANG Zhiyu,SHI Yali,WANG Min,LIU Qingqing.Analysis on Current Situation of Medication Family-management in Pediatric Out-patients[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(12):1565-1568.
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王之羽, 石雅丽, 王敏, 刘卿青
南京医科大学附属儿童医院药学部, 南京 210008
目的 了解专科医院门诊患儿家庭用药管理的现状,分析家庭用药管理中存在的问题,提高患儿监护人家庭用药管理水平。方法 在门诊患儿监护人中采用偶遇抽样方式进行随机调查,调查问卷自行设计。结果 在被调查的门诊患儿家庭中,有81.0%的家庭存在多人参与儿童用药管理的现象,47.2%的家庭存在临时监护人(如老师)管理儿童用药的现象,其中40.3%的患儿在临时监护人处的用药情况不会反馈给患儿家庭监护人,有63.8%的家庭存在用药不依从的行为,甚至在己知疗程、用量和频次的情况下,仍有部分家庭用药不依从,尤其是疗程方面,21.8%的家庭没有完成需要的己知治疗疗程;有80.3%的家庭在家中有备用药品,57.9%的家庭会自行给患儿用药。结论 门诊患儿用药信息的正确性无法保证,患儿监护人正确用药的能力不足、缺乏正确的用药观念,家庭用药管理水平有待提高,患儿自主医疗行为存在风险。门诊药学服务未来的发展可通过与互联网相结合的方式提高患儿家庭用药管理水平,保障儿童安全合理用药。
关键词:  儿童  家庭用药管理  药学服务
Analysis on Current Situation of Medication Family-management in Pediatric Out-patients
WANG Zhiyu, SHI Yali, WANG Min, LIU Qingqing
Pharmacy Department, Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, China
OBJECTIVE To understand the current situation of medication family-management of outpatient in a children's hospital of Nanjing, analyze the problems in medication family-management, improve the medication family-management level of children's guardians. METHODS To use a self-designed questionnaire to conduct random sampling among the guardians of outpatient children. RESULTS In the out-patient families participating in this survey, 81.0% had many guardians involving in the management of medication for children, 47.2% had temporary guardians such like teacher, 40.3% would not get to know the medical situation of the children from temporary guardians, 63.8% did not compliant the prescription even in the case of being known treatment, dosage and frequency, especially in terms of treatment, 21.8% did not follow it; 80.3% prepared medicine at home, and 57.9% self-used them. CONCLUSION The accuracy of medical information cannot be guaranteed in outpatient children from the hospital, the children's guardians are lack of the ability to use drug correctly and correct concept of medication, the medication family-management level needs to be improved, self-medical in children is at risk. The pharmaceutical care should be combined with the internet to improve the medication family-management level and ensure children's safe and reasonable medication in future.
Key words:  pediatric  medication family-management  pharmaceutical care