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JING Yunrong,WANG Changwei.Study on Preparation Technology of 10-Acetoacetylpaclitaxel Standard[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(16):2035-2038.
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景云荣1, 王昌伟2
1.牡丹江师范学院, 黑龙江 牡丹江 157011;2.中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院, 广州 510530
目的 研究半合成紫杉醇中工艺杂质10-乙酰乙酰紫杉醇的制备方法。方法 选择性地保护紫杉醇的2'位和7位羟基,然后在碱性条件下脱去10位乙酰基,未保护的10位羟基与2,2,6-三甲基-4H-1,3-二噁英-4-酮进行缩合,最后脱去7位和2'位的保护基,制备得到10-乙酰乙酰紫杉醇。结果 以紫杉醇为原料通过5步反应制备得到10-乙酰乙酰紫杉醇,总收率为27%,纯度高达95%。结论 为10-乙酰乙酰紫杉醇标准品的制备提供了简便易行的方法,有利于紫杉醇原料药的质量控制与评价。
关键词:  半合成紫杉醇  工艺杂质  10-乙酰乙酰紫杉醇
Study on Preparation Technology of 10-Acetoacetylpaclitaxel Standard
JING Yunrong1, WANG Changwei2
1.Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang 157011, China;2.Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Science, Guangzhou 510530, China
OBJECTIVE To study the synthesis of 10-acetoacetylpaclitaxel, one of impurities from semi-synthetic paclitaxel. METHODS Paclitaxel was reacted with silicon reagent to selectively protect the C2' and C7 hydroxyl group, then C10 acetyl group was hydrolyzed using alkaline and unprotected C10 hydroxyl group was reacted with 2,2,6-trimethyl-4H-1,3-dioxin-4-one. At last, the target compound 10-acetoacetylpaclitaxel was prepared by deprotection of silicon group. RESULTS 10-acetoacetylpaclitaxel was prepared by a 5-step reaction using paclitaxel as the start material, the overall yield was 27% and the purity was up to 95%. CONCLUSION Provided a simple and convenient method for the preparation of 10-acetoacetylpaclitaxel, and it is helpful for quality control and evaluation of semi-synthetic paclitaxel.
Key words:  semi-synthetic paclitaxel  impurity  10-acetoacetylpaclitaxel