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TIAN Jing,ZHANG Lu,YIN Meng,FANG Kehui.Qualitative Analysis of Volatile Oil from Cicutae Fructus by GC-MS Combined with Automatic Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System and Retention Index[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(24):3068-3071.
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田静, 张璐, 尹萌, 房克慧
扬州市食品药品检验检测中心, 江苏扬州 225009
目的 分析食药同源药物毒芹子的挥发油化学成分。方法 采用GC-MS结合化学计量学方法对毒芹子挥发油进行定性分析,色谱图中重叠峰采用自动质谱退卷积鉴定系统(AMDIS)进行识别,同时计算各组分的保留指数,以质谱库对解析后的纯组分进行定性。结果 定性分析出31个成分,主要为烃类、醛类和醇类化合物,其中含量最高的是γ-松油烯(66.29%)。结论 本法能更真实、全面地反映毒芹子中的挥发油成分,为毒芹子开发利用和质量控制提供依据。
关键词:  毒芹子  挥发油  气相色谱-质谱联用  自动质谱退卷积定性系统  保留指数
Qualitative Analysis of Volatile Oil from Cicutae Fructus by GC-MS Combined with Automatic Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System and Retention Index
TIAN Jing, ZHANG Lu, YIN Meng, FANG Kehui
Yangzhou Center for Food and Drug Control, Yangzhou 225009, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze and research the volatile chemical components in the edible drug Cicutae Fructus. METHODS GC-MS combined with chemometric technology were used for qualitative analysis of the volatile oil from Cicutae Fructus. The automatic mass spectral deconvolution and identification system(AMDIS) was used to resolve overlapping peaks in chromatograms; meanwhile,the temperature-programmed retention index for assistant identification was employed; finally the pure components were qualitatively analyzed by mass spectrum library. RESULTS Thirty-one compounds of the whole extracts of Cicutae Fructus were identified, which were mainly alkenes, aldehyde and alcohols. The highest level compound was γ-terpinene(66.29%). CONCLUSION The method can be more really and comprehensively reflect the essential oil components in Cicutae Fructus. The study will provide foundation for a further development and quality control of Cicutae Fructus.
Key words:  Cicutae Fructus  volatile oil  GC-MS  automated mass spectral deconrolution and identification system (AMDIS)  retention index