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LIN Zhijian,WANG Xiao,ZHANG Bing.Exploring on Appropriate Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(10):1233-1238.
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林志健1, 王笑1, 张冰1,2
1.北京中医药大学, 中药学院, 北京 100029;2.北京中医药大学, 中药药物警戒与合理用药研究中心, 北京 100029
目的 探讨和阐述中药临床应用的适当性原则,提高临床中药师运用适当性原则指导临床用药的技能,促进临床合理用药。方法 通过文献梳理及理论分析,结合中医药理论基础以及中药临床应用的复杂性,探讨中药临床应用的适当性原则,明确中药临床应用"适当性"的学术内涵。结果 中药临床应用的适当性表现在用药过程的各个环节,是合理用药的基本要求之一。中药临床应用适当性的基本内容应充分考虑用药对象、适当的药物、适当的剂量及疗程、适当的给药途径和煎煮方式、适当的服药方法、适当的治疗目标等各个用药环节。结论 中药临床应用的适当性是合理用药的基本要求,将适当的药品,以适合的剂量,在合适的时间内经适当的用药途径给相应的患者使用,以达到预期的治疗目的。
关键词:  中药合理用药  适当性  内涵  基本内容
Exploring on Appropriate Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine
LIN Zhijian1, WANG Xiao1, ZHANG Bing1,2
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, School of Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing 100029, China;2.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Center for Pharmacovigilance and Rational Use of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
OBJECTIVE Discusses the concept and content of the appropriate use of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to improve clinical pharmacists' skills in rational use of Chinese herbal medicine. METHODS Investigate the principle appropriate use of traditional Chinese medicine, and clear the academic connotation of the "appropriateness" of rational drug use, throughout reviewing the literature and theoretical analysis, and combining with the theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine and the complex medical environment as well. RESULTS The basic connotation of the appropriate use of traditional Chinese medicine refers to the appropriateness of all the process of drug application, and was also an important component of rational drug use. Appropriateness includes the appropriate patients, medications, dosage and therapeutic duration, appropriate administration route and decocting method, appropriate medication methods, and suitable therapeutic goals, etc. CONCLUSION Appropriate drug use is one of the basic measures and demands for the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine. Appropriateness is defined as the right medications, right dosages, right time, right medication route, right patients, to achieve the desired therapeutic goals.
Key words:  rational use of traditional Chinese medicine  appropriateness  connotation  basic content