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WU Junlan,YUAN Ping.Patent Bibliometric Analysis of Weight Loss Products in China[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(16):2100-2105.
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吴俊兰, 袁萍
四川大学华西公共卫生学院, 成都 610041
目的 分析国内有关减肥药/减肥产品的专利申请状况和研发趋势。方法 在中国专利数据库中检索相关专利文献,采用文献计量学的方法,对专利申请的时间、地区、申请人、法律状态、技术热点及重点申请人等方面的分布情况进行统计分析。结果 中国减肥药/减肥产品相关专利的数量自1999年呈逐年上升;中国本土专利申请量占到全部专利申请量的56.78%,国外专利占到43.22%;申请量排名前6的国内省份申请量又占到全部中国专利申请量的32.42%;排名前20的申请人中,国内科研院所和企业专利申请总量分别占72.11%和25.26%。结论 国内减肥药/减肥产品专利申请主要集中在广东、江苏、北京、上海、山东、浙江6个省份,且研发力量及专利申请更多集中在科研院所。国内企业与美日欧等发达国家医药企业也有一定的差距。企业可与研发实力强的科研机构在合适的时机进行产学研合作,以更好地推进本企业减肥药/减肥产品研发工作的开展。
关键词:  减肥产品  专利文献  文献计量
Patent Bibliometric Analysis of Weight Loss Products in China
WU Junlan, YUAN Ping
West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze the status and research development trends of patent applications in weight loss drugs and products in China. METHODS Used the method of bibliometrics, analyzed the patent application in terms of time, region, applicant, legal status, technical hotspot and main applicant by retrieving the relevant patent literatures from the patent database in China. RESULTS The number of patents regards to domestic weight loss products has been increasing year by year since 1999. The applications from domestic enterprises and research institutions accounted for 56.78% and foreign applications accounted for 43.22%. The applications from the top six provinces in China accounted for 32.42% of all applications. Among the top 20 applicants, domestic research institutes and enterprise accounted for 72.11% and 25.26% respectively. CONCLUSION The data show that local patent applications for weight-loss drugs and products are mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong and Zhejiang province, and research institutes contributed most of applications. There still have a certain gap in R&D competence between domestic enterprises and enterprises of other developed countries like the United States and Japan. Domestic enterprises can consider to collaborate with research institutes to improve their R&D competence in weight loss drugs and products.
Key words:  weight loss products  patent literature  bibliometrics