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YANG Yue,XIA Conghua,ZHANG Jufang,ZHOU Yifeng.Fingerprint Study of Cultured Cordyceps Sinensis Powder[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(4):460-462.
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杨悦1, 夏聪华2, 张菊芳1, 周屹峰1
1.杭州中美华东制药有限公司, 杭州 310000;2.华东医药股份有限公司, 杭州 310000
目的 通过对发酵虫草菌粉指纹图谱的深入研究,为发酵虫草菌粉类产品的质量提高提供思路。方法 液质联用确定发酵虫草菌粉类产品(百令胶囊)指纹图谱中6个主色谱峰的化学成分;采用中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统,比较天然虫草和不同厂家发酵虫草菌粉指纹图谱相似度及不同干燥方式对指纹图谱的影响。结果 百令胶囊指纹图谱中的6个主色谱峰成分为尿苷5-单磷酸、鸟苷酸、5'-腺嘌呤核苷酸、尿苷、鸟苷、腺苷。发酵虫草菌粉的指纹图谱与天然虫草均存在差异,其中百令胶囊的指纹图谱与天然虫草最接近。干燥方式对指纹图谱影响较大,采用沸腾干燥方式对应的指纹图谱主色谱峰的面积比最接近天然虫草晒干方式。结论 指纹图谱可准确反映发酵虫草菌粉质量及质量控制方式的有效性。
关键词:  发酵虫草菌粉  指纹图谱  液质联用  干燥方式
Fingerprint Study of Cultured Cordyceps Sinensis Powder
YANG Yue1, XIA Conghua2, ZHANG Jufang1, ZHOU Yifeng1
1.Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, China;2.Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, China
OBJECTIVE To provide strategies for quality improvement of cultured Cordyceps sinensis powder by detailed analysis on its HPLC fingerprint. METHODS Using LC-MS on cultured Cordyceps sinensis powder(Bailing capsule), six major chromatographic peaks in the fingerprint were identified. A similarity measurement based on Chinese traditional medicine fingerprinting system was used to compare similarities between cultured cordyceps and natural cordyceps, as well as the effect of drying methods on fingerprint profiles. RESULTS The 6 major peaks in the fingerprint of Bailing capsule had been identified as:uridine-5-monophosphate, guanylic acid, adenosine-5'-monophosphoric acid, uridine, guanosine and adenosine. The fingerprint of cultured Cordyceps sinensis powder differs from that of the natural cordyceps, while Bailing capsule had been shown to be most similar to natural cordyceps. The drying method also had a significant effect on the fingerprint. The product prepared by boil drying method produced the most similar fingerprint profile to the sun dried natural cordyceps. CONCLUSION The fingerprinting can accurately reflect the quality of cultured Cordyceps sinensis powder and the effectiveness of quality control.
Key words:  cultured Cordyceps sinensis powder  fingerprint  LC-MS  drying methods