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SUN Xiaoluan,WANG Ying,LI Xin.Trend Analysis on Clinical Application of Antibacterials from 47 Tertiary Hospitals in Jiangsu Province[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(19):2478-2484.
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孙晓娈1, 王莹1, 李歆1,2,3
1.南京医科大学, 医政学院, 南京 211166;2.南京医科大学, 药学院, 南京 211166;3.公共卫生学院全球健康中心, 南京 211166
目的 调查分析江苏省47家三级医院2012—2016年抗菌药物利用的趋势变化,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供实证依据。方法 调查收集江苏省47家三级医院抗菌药物的用药数据进行趋势分析,包括抗菌药物的用药频度(defined daily doses,DDDs)、限定日费用(defined daily cost,DDC)、排序比(ranking ratio,B/A)等。结果 口服类抗菌药物、注射类抗菌药物、总抗菌药物用药金额、注射类抗菌药物DDDs总体呈上升趋势,口服类抗菌药物的DDDs是注射类的2倍左右;青霉素类β-内酰胺抗菌药(J01C)、其他β-内酰胺类抗菌药(J01D)、其他抗菌药(J01X)用药金额从2012—2016年呈现递增趋势,且J01C的DDDs逐年增长;J01D使用金额所占比例最高,且稳定65%~67%左右,DDDs亦最高。用药金额排名前10位的抗菌药物中,以第三代头孢菌素(J01DD)数量最多,阿培南的DDC最高。结论 大部分不同种类抗菌药物的DDDs、用药金额在2012—2016年间保持平稳,但有部分抗菌药物用药金额、DDDs出现上浮趋势,且存在用药品种集中的现象。部分抗菌药物的DDC较高,而且不同药物的DDC差距悬殊。
关键词:  三级医院  抗菌药物  药物利用  趋势
Trend Analysis on Clinical Application of Antibacterials from 47 Tertiary Hospitals in Jiangsu Province
SUN Xiaoluan1, WANG Ying1, LI Xin1,2,3
1.Nanjing Medical University, School of Health Policy and Management, Nanjing 211166, China;2.Nanjing Medical University, School of Pharmacy, Nanjing 211166, China;3.Nanjing Medical University, Center for Global Health, School of Public Health, Nanjing 211166, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate and analyze trend and change of antibacterials in 47 tertiary hospitals of JiangSu Province from 2012 to 2016, and provide empirical evidence for rational use of antibacterials in clinic. METHODS The antibacterials used in 47 hospitals were investigated and analyzed, including defined daily doses(DDDs), the defined daily cost(DDC), the ranking ratio(B/A). RESULTS The sum of money of consumption of oral antibacterials, injectable antibacterials, total antibacterials and DDDs of injectable antibacterials had a growing trend. The DDDs of oral antibacterials was about twice that of injectable antibacterials. The amount of money spent on penicillin β-lactam antibacterial(J01C), other β-lactam antibacterials(J01D) and other antibacterials(J01X) increased from 2012 to 2016, and the DDDs of J01C increased. J01D accounted for the highest proportion of the sum of money, and stabilized at about 65%-67%, which had the highest DDDs. Among the top 10 antibacterials in the sum of money, the most drugs belong to third-generation cephalosporins(J01DD) and the highest DDC was biapenem. CONCLUSION Most of the different kinds of antibacterials in the DDDs and sum of money used remained stable between 2012 and 2016, but some of the antibacterials have upward tendency, and medication is too concentrate. DDC of some antibacterials is relatively high, and there is a wide gap between DDC of different drugs.
Key words:  tertiary hospital  antibacterials  drug utilization  trend