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XUE Chaojun,ZHAO Yue,DU Yuhan,DONG Zhanjun.Application and Exploration of Quantitative Score in Hospital Drug Evaluation[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(24):3094-3096.
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薛朝军, 赵越, 杜雨晗, 董占军
河北省人民医院, 石家庄 050000
目的 通过对河北省人民医院注射剂及临时采购药品进行量化评分,探究其在医院药品评价中的应用。方法 使用由11个量化指标、44个评分条目组成的“药品量化评分表”对医院注射剂及临时采购药品进行评价分析,探究“药品量化评分表”量化指标的合理性、客观性及可操作性。结果 基本用药供应目录内的注射剂共403个,量化评分结果<60分的药品74个,其中神经系统药最多,为22个。2018年6月至12月,临时采购药品共22个,量化评分结果<60分的药品1个。结论 “药品量化评分表”有一定的合理性、客观性及可操作性,可为药事管理与药物治疗学委员会在医院优化基本用药供应目录、遴选临时采购药品提供依据。
关键词:  药品量化评分表  量化评分  药品评价  药事管理
Application and Exploration of Quantitative Score in Hospital Drug Evaluation
XUE Chaojun, ZHAO Yue, DU Yuhan, DONG Zhanjun
Hebei General Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the quantitative score application in drug evaluation through the quantitative evaluation of injections and temporary procurement drugs in the Hebei General Hospital. METHODS The "Drug Quantitative Score Table" contained 11 quantitative indicators and 44 score entries. Evaluated the injections and temporary purchases drugs in hospital by the "Drug Quantitative Score Table". Verify the rationality, objectivity and operability of quantitative indicators based on evaluation results. RESULTS A total of 403 injections in the hospital basic medication supply catalog and the 70 drugs scores in the <60 level. Among the 70 drugs, the neurological drugs were up to 20, which was the most one. From June to September 2018, there were a total of 22 temporary procurement drugs and 1 drug score in the <60 level. CONCLUSION The "Drug Quantitative Score Table" established has certain rationality, objectivity and operability. Quantifying the drug scores can provide a basis for the drug administration and drug therapy committee to select drugs and the temporary procurement drugs, which will help optimize the hospital basic medication supply catalog.
Key words:  drug quantitative score table  quantitative score  drug evaluation  pharmaceutical management