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WEI Shuijian,XU Changsheng,XU Xiongwei,WENG Xiuhua.Establishment an Animal Model of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastases by Internal Carotid Artery Injection of PC-9 Cells[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(23):2909-2912.
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魏水剑, 许昌声, 许雄伟, 翁秀华
福建医科大学附属第一医院, 福州 350000
目的 通过裸鼠颈内动脉注射人非小细胞肺癌PC-9细胞建立肺癌脑转移的实验动物模型。方法 7只裸鼠通过手术暴露颈内动脉,注射处于对数生长期的人非小细胞肺癌PC-9(2.0×105 ·mL-1)细胞100 μL。接种后观察裸鼠生活状态并记录其体质量。建模第24天采用小动物核磁共振(MRI)成像仪活体成像后,取出脑组织、HE染色,评价脑内成瘤情况。结果 裸鼠颈内动脉注射PC-9细胞后,14 d左右开始出现体质量下降、行动迟缓、嗜睡、弓背等恶液质现象。通过小动物MRI成像仪检测,7只接种裸鼠中有5只扫描到了脑部异常信号,并通过病理切片进一步证实了肿瘤病灶在脑组织中存在,建模成功率为71%。结论 颈内动脉注射法技术简单、实验周期短、成功率高,可用于人非小细胞肺癌PC-9细胞脑转移实验动物模型的建立。小动物MRI成像仪可应用于裸鼠脑内肿瘤活体检测,但其准确度和清晰度仍需进一步提高。
关键词:  肺癌脑转移  劲内动脉注射  PC-9  小动物核磁共振成像仪
Establishment an Animal Model of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastases by Internal Carotid Artery Injection of PC-9 Cells
WEI Shuijian, XU Changsheng, XU Xiongwei, WENG Xiuhua
The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350000, China
OBJECTIVE To establish an animal model of human non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases by internal carotid artery injection of PC-9 cells. METHODS PC-9 cells(2.0×105·mL-1) 100 μL on logarithmic phase were injected into 7 nude mice by internal carotid artery. The statuses of nude mice were observed after implantation. MRI scanning and HE staining were performed to investigate the metastatic lesion in brain in day 24th after implantation. RESULTS After implantation 14 d, mice showed signs of dyscrasia gradually, including lose weight, slacking, hypersomnia, roachback and so on. MRI revealed a mass in 5 mice, and histopathologic examination with HE staining showed metastatic lesions in the brain. The rate of brain metastases of lung cancer was 71%. CONCLUSION An animal model of non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases can be established by internal carotid artery injection of PC-9, which has advantages of simple technique, short experiment period and high success rate. MRI scaning can measure metastatic lesious in brain of nude mice, but its accuracy and darity still need to be further improved.
Key words:  brain metastases of lung cancer  internal carotid artery injection  PC-9  animal MRI